1:The Start of Everything

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Luna pov:




Damn it.

Okay so I've got two options right now. Either I open my eyes and check what time it is, or I keep them closed and I sleep for whatever time I have left.


I'll keep em closed-


"Fuuuuuuu-" I groaned quietly as I picked up my phone, peeling my eyes open and turning off the alarm. I look at the time again seeing that yes, it's time to get up. I took homeschooling for granted. Why do I have to get up so early???

"Get up Luna! We have to see what our first day has in store!"

Right. High School.

I looked over to my now open door and I see my sister in the doorway. Well, adoptive sister, but my sister nonetheless. She stood there with a goofy smile, her dirty blond hair already styled in her signature ponytail that was swaying back and forth as she rocked on her heels.

I sat upright and sighed long enough to impress my ancestors before dragging myself out of bed. "ok but remember you promised you'd be my extrovert shield."

she chuckled as she moved out of the door frame letting me pass. "aye aye! You know I love talking to people!"

"perfect, win-win." I mumbled before I went to the bathroom and went to dressed afterwards.

I put on a thin black sleeveless turtleneck, it hides my scars but it's not like they'd be fully covered but it's enough so people don't ask about it... I hope. I put on some gray cargo pants and added a blue jacket so the dress code wouldn't bother me about my irresistible shoulder. Scandalous I know, shoulders so enticing I rolled my eyes.

I walked downstairs as I was met with the smell that the divine would envy, homemade pancakes. Layla was already eating and enjoying way too much syrup on her drowned pancakes.

"hi dad, hi mom." I greeted as I saw them making the pancakes together as if they were on a cooking date, they were almost as sweet as the syrup.

"hey there mija! Come eat before you have to catch the bus." my dad said as he slid a plate of warm pancakes to me as I sat next to Layla. I smiled at both of them before looking over to the blonde, waiting until she took a big bite.

The corner of my lip turned up, "thank you so much for making these for us." I said politely to my parents as I locked eyes with layla's brown ones knowing she forget to thank them.

She choked on her pancake coughing a little as she muttered a 'thank you' to our parents. They both looked at me with an amused expression as I began to eat. "It's alright Layla, we know you like pancakes." My mom said before turning to me. "And did you need to start your antics so early?"

"It's funny though."

"you suck sometimes..." I hear to my right.

"sorry" I said, not meaning it at all, "if it makes you feel better I won't terrorize you while we're at school."

"why's that?" she asked as she took another bite, already forgetting her annoyed act.

"Layla, if we joked around like we do at home, someone would probably report us for bullying."

"That's... fair, but it's not our fault. They don't know our... our sisterly bond." she said as she took my hand dramatically.

I swatted her hand away with a deadpan expression as I continued to eat. "let's hurry up, we don't want to miss the first day."

"you are excited!" she exclaimed.

"I'm not." I shot down.

Our parents watched us sqable till we finished eating and we waved as we left for the bus stop.

When we got on the seats only had a fee people im them, so we got to choose wherever we wanted to sit. We both sat in the same seat somewhere around the middle of the bus. I turned on my music and Layla did the same, it seems like her sugar rush hasn't hit yet.


I zoned out completely for a good chunk of the ride as I stared out the window imagining what I would do if the bus decided to catch on fire. I'd have to be prepared so first I'd-

"Hi! What's your name?" a random voice called out in my direction. I immediately shut my eyes and slumped into the window pretending to be out cold.

"I'm layla and this-" she cut herself off, probably seeing me pretend asleep. "... She's my sister Luna."

"She's sleeping?" he asked "looks like it."She responded, surely a little annoyed that I didn't even try to interact.

It's not like I hate talking to people it's just... Been a while. That and I hate small talk, please for the love of god please have a reason if you're gonna drag me into a conversation neither of us cares about. No one cares about the weather that much. Besides, I could sense the extreme extroverted energy I didn't know how but I did.

They continued to chat about random stuff as the bus drove along. I almost fell asleep for real till the bus driver decided to hit a pothole. My head smacked against the window. luckily not too hard but it still stung as I groaned quietly hoping I wouldn't draw attention to myself.

"hi!" I heard from across the bus before a loud slam followed. My nosy ass curiously took a peak to see what happened. There was an orange haired girl leaning her back on the window looking distressed. Her hair was braided into two long braids, her hair is pretty I thought before their conversation caught my ear.

"nothing personal but I'm a bit tired and not in a conversation mood." the orange haired girl said. That was a really good way of saying she didn't want to take to him, maybe I should have done something similar instead of-

"it's fine I get it, you're just shy right?" he said in a happy tone which completely contrasted the girl's expression that exuded confusion.

I made the right choice-

"Oh, The two over there are my new friends too! That's Layla and the one that's asleep is Luna." he said. I was lucky Layla was blocking his line of sight, he still thought I was asleep. Then I looked over to the girl who was already staring at me.

I was supposed to be asleep.

I sweat a little and decided to flash a small pitiful smile, trying to convey that I didn't want to deal with anyone right now. Much less a level 100 extrovert. She just nodded and looked away from both me and the boy trying to ignore him.

I let out a breath as I closed my eyes again to continue the ploy. I'd have to pay that girl back somehow in the future.


Author's note: how was the first chapter? Feel free to tell me if anything is confusing, I didn't proofread much.

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