7: Weakness

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Luna pov:

We all sat on the floor recovering from the adrenaline high we all probably experienced. A string of chuckles filled the quiet room, “Why are you laughing this time?” Tyler snapped. “It's like we're in a zombie movie.” Aiden responded. “and that's supposed to be funny?” “yeah.” the blonde replied in amusement. “Is he insane or something?” Tyler voiced as everyone looked visibly disturbed at Aiden's comment. Though his attention was drawn to Ashlyn's arm.“hm?” he tilted his head slightly, “your arm is scratched up? I thought we got you out of the way in time?”

Ashlyn glanced down at her arm,“...you did. I think this happened at the sorrel weed house.” but it wasn't visible till now, What changed? My thoughts were interrupted by Tyler standing up and facing ashlyn. “You mean you knew it was real and didn't think to mention it to any of us?!”

she was stunned for a moment before finding her footing again. “I didn't tell anyone because I didn't think it was real and right now isn't exactly a good time to talk about it. We should be coming up with a plan or-” Tylers expression soured further, “And why should we listen to anything you say? this is all probably your fault in the first place." My eyes narrowed slightly. Oh, I don't like this. “That's a bold assumption, we ALL went into that house. For all we know any one of us could have “caused” It, by your logic.” I debated. “But Ashlyn's the only one who interacted with it- wait. No, you reached out too. For all we know both of you could be at fault.” he said, rising in volume. 

I opened my mouth to say some not so nice things when Ashlyn spoke up. “alright, fine.” She stood up and turned towards Tyler. “I get where you're coming from. Maybe I should have said something, or maybe Luna should have too.” she began to walk towards him. “and if blaming either of us helps you deal with the situation better, so be it.” she spoke as she stood right in front of him. She then grasped the fabric of his shirt, yanking it towards her. “HEY, What are you-!” Tyler protested. 

But if you aren't going to make yourself useful, make yourself scarce.” Ashlyn said coldly before continuing, “Playing the blame game and figuring out what's going on can come after we are safe enough to talk it out. The facts are that those creatures can kill us at any moment. Instead of arguing, our time is better spent coming up with a plan.” she let go of his shirt leaving light Impressions of her fingers on it. 

“So unless you are going to help me do that, let go, keep your trap shut and don't cause trouble.” Well… that works too. Everyone looked dumbfounded, even Layla who was standing in the doorway of the bathroom. well everyone except Aiden who whistled, “well that was unexpected!” to which she turned to him now, “And you need to stop taking things so lightly!” “Aye, Aye!” he responded with a smile and she just sighed in response. 

“We need weapons and materials so let's gather up everything in the motel room and sort through what we can use.” She suggested and the rest of the group nodded to their new leader. “um. I found a med kit, we should probably patch you two up first.” Layla said, displaying the box. 


(TW: gore/anxiety)

Hell. This was hell. The alcohol bubbled and poured into the crevices in my cheek that stretched under my ear. I grit my teeth quietly as I squeezed Layla’s free hand. “girl I know it hurts but please don't break my hand.” Layla said, her hand turning red in my grip, “Sorry.” I said releasing my grip and moving my hands to hold my shins instead. I leaned my head on my knees leaving the left side up so Layla could tend to it. Layla passed the bottle to Ben, he was in front of ashlyn who was sitting in the corner. 

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