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"Luna get up, we're here." I was shaken awake by layla. Huh, I guess I fell asleep after all.

Everyone shuffled off the bus and out onto the campus, the school itself looked pretty normal, classic red brick on the walls and enough greenery to not look like a prison. A hand landed on my shoulder, startling me. I turned around to see a blond fluffy haired boy looking at me with a smile looking as if he found his next victim.

"Hey Luna right? I'm Aiden. I was talking to your sister on the bus while you were knocked out. This is Ben, he's my cousin, we're new here." he gestured towards the taller boy with short brown hair. "And that's ashlyn, she's one of my new friends." he said as he gestured to her. She had an annoyed expression but she didn't say anything, probably because she was tired of him at this point. "uh, well nice to meet you three, im sure layla already told you but we're new too." I said, peeling his hand off my shoulder, which he didn't seem to care about because he started talking again.

I tried to keep up and listen to what he said, saying the bare minimum back so as to not seem rude as we all made our way through the halls. i'm pretty sure each word he spoke took a piece of my life force away. Layla chuckled at my suffering and took over yap duty sparing me from sir chatty.

I used my remaining energy to scan the doors looking for the principal's office. When I finally found it my eyes drifted forward and landed on the girl, Ashlyn if I remembered correctly. She looked around as if she was trying to escape. Which she probably was, I thought. I tapped on her shoulder just as Ben pulled Aiden back and gestured towards the office. she looked back at me with a confused expression in response i mouthed the word 'go' pointing at the hall. she nodded immediately a ghost of a smile on her face as she hauled ass out of our vicinity.

"oh right, we gotta pick up our schedules-" he paused, seeing she was long gone, "up?" He then proceeded to chuckle like a serial killer in training. "she's fast." he said looking in the direction of the hall she escaped from, oh lovely he has his serial killer lines down too.

"Do you think the four of us will end up in the same class?" I hear Layla ask me. "I don't know, maybe." I said as we entered the office. "Excuse me, we're here to pick up our schedules?" I asked, looking at the man on the large chair. We met with the principal who handed us our schedules and talked to us about basic rules and such.

"Are you four of my new students?" a man with glasses asked as he entered the room. I don't know man, I just got here. "probably." Aiden said. "excellent! I'll take you all to class myself." What if we weren't though? I mean we probably are, but shouldn't you check? I questioned myself as we followed him.

When we got to the classroom we saw two chocolate haired students barely getting there and the teacher decided to scare them a little by threatening to get them in trouble for tardiness. For some reason the boy only had one shoe and the girl just looked at the teacher as sweat collected on her face. The teacher relented with a 'just kidding' and sent then to find their seats.


I swept my eyes around the room till my eyes landed on a familiar orange haired girl. Her eyes were already looking in my direction so I gave her a small smile which she seemed to notice. The teacher steped into the room letting the four of us in. The second aiden looked in ashlyns direction she hid her face behind her hands.

A small smile adorned my lips, well at least she didn't hide from me, the thought made me happier than it should have.

"Sorry I'm late everyone, these four are new to the school so give them a warm welcome." the teacher said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "go take a seat and we'll introduce ourselves in alphabetical order."

The teacher, now known as Mr Walter explained a little more before the introductions began.

"I'm ashlyn banner. I like dogs." she said dryly as to get it over with.

"I'm Aiden clark. I like bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, racing-" He got cut off by the teacher, while Ben was skipped since he was sleeping.

"hello i-the-uh... Logan fields" the boy with glasses toyed with his fingers, "I mean I'm Logan, I...uh like astrology." hm? I always wanted to learn more about astrology.

"I'm Taylor Hernandez! I'm in the mechanics club. Come say hi if you get the chance." the brown haired girl said. Well she's pretty...

"I'm Tyler Hernandez, yes we're twins. I'm in the baseball club." her brother said. And he's just a guy...


why am I thinking about that anyways-

"next up please" Mr Walter said, it was my turn now. "I'm Luna thorn, um I compete in archery competitions sometimes." I said as I sat back down as Layla followed suit "hiya! I'm Layla thorn-walker, I love photography so if you want your picture taken look for me." she said energetically.


"alright, now that introductions are done, let's talk about the semester-long group project!"

The what.

"Today you'll be choosing your group partners for the project and each group should consist of six to eight people each."

...well at least I have Layla she should make this easier, but the first day? Really? I looked across the room to see Ashlyn looking pretty distressed. "oh, and no one will be allowed to work alone." She now looked worse.

Once the teacher sets us loose, Aiden waves us over to his side of the classroom. I accepted my fate and dragged a desk over while Layla did the same just with actual energy. Aiden sat there and chuckled when he saw Ashlyn mentally checking out.

My eyes drift toward the twins as they ask the brunette with glasses if he'd want to stick with them, he nodded nervously with a thankful smile. the longer haired twin looked over at me staring and flashed me a smile, "can we join your group?" she asked. "Sure three right? That'll max out our group." Layla spoke for me.

Once they settled into the circle of desks we all started exchanging contact info since this would be a long project. "Luna, you didn't even ask for my number." I stared at Layla with a blank expression, " why would I we're literally sisters-" I got cut off by the teacher explaining that the project would be on the city of Savannah.

"In addition, there is an overnight field trip to go along with the project! of course it's optional, however those who attend can get extra credit for your individual grade."

"If you are interested, the permission slips are on my desk and include everything you'll need to know. for the rest of the period, please choose what topic your group would like to present on. you've got twenty-five minutes so spend it wisely."

We took the time to discuss the project and see who would do what and eventually class ended. "we're definitely going." Layla said to me immediately, swiping two permission slips from the table.

"I figured you'd want to go." I said, sighing as I took one of them from her hand. "Aren't you excited?" she questioned. "I have been there before even if I don't remember much." I said as we walked through the halls to the buses. "oh. Right." she realized, "well, maybe it'll be fun this time?" she said more as a question than reassurance. "please don't say it like that you're going to jinx it."


Author's note: a bit of backstory on our protag this chapter. Sidenote, I'll probably be updating gurenteed chapters on the weekends but if I get inspired there may be chapters uploaded throughout the week. Those aren't promised thought, see you all next chapter.

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