6: I Hate Savannah.

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Luna pov:

My eyes shot open as I sat up gasping for air as I held my neck, in the process scaring the hell out of Layla. She shot up and whipped towards me, “HUH, w-what happened!???” she slurred as she came closer, putting a hand on my back. My lungs were still gasping for air when I choked out my words, “nightmare…” I muttered quietly as my composure slowly began to return as I took shaky breaths. Why did it seem so familiar? I don't get it… 

A concerningly loud thud made the two of us jolt up. I looked at Layla tilting my head towards the door. “... go check it out.” I told her, she looked at me with concern evident in her expression. “It's probably one of the girls, they may have gotten hurt.” I soothed, though the concern was not completely gone, it was now mostly directed toward the other room now. “I'll get you some water on the way.”

Layla got up, slipping her feet into her slippers as she made her way towards the door, opening it and peeking out. Why did everything look?... Rusty? My eyes scanned the room wondering if my eyes were playing tricks on me. My eyes drifted back to Layla who's back was already turned to me leaving the doorway when everything seemed to slow. 

A lanky appendage was reaching out towards her from above. Following it up led to a terrible discovery, it was one of those things. It somehow wedged itself right above the doorway hanging there reaching down towards my sister. My legs moved on their own as I leaped off the bed and grabbed the arm and swung it to the opposite side of the room. Its hand brushed its long nails across my cheek, tearing my skin. It crashed into the wall as loud screams came from the other room along with shuffling. 

I quickly grabbed a book and the giraffe decoration on the nightstand before rushing out toward the door. Layla was trembling slightly as she whipped her head between both rooms, with a panicked expression. “We need to get out of here.” I said sharply as I locked that thing in the room just as the two girls burst out of their room. They looked shaken and when Taylor was about to speak I cut her off. “We need to go.” I said firmly as I pushed them towards the living room. 

We ran out only to find the guys at our door. “Taylor!” Tyler shouted, “ty?!” Taylor exclaimed, rushing to hug her brother while I kept an eye out behind us. “what's going on?!” Tyler questioned Ashlyn as I kept an eye on the Hall pushing Layla towards the door decor hand read to throw. “something’s in the-” she got cut off when the creature peaked out from the hall. 

I felt as if my whole body was static as it looked me dead on. The static made me feel like my whole body was asleep, a numb ache all over. I gripped the giraffe and chucked it with all my strength hitting its face as its head knocked back. “go…” Ashlyn started, “-GO, GO, GO!” my voice mixed with hers and I rushed them through the door as I heard its unusually quiet footsteps trail right behind us. We all got out and slammed the door shut as we all caught out breaths. 

The static dulled but didn't fully fade as we heard nails scratching the walls. What the hell is causing it? My adrenaline was high I could tell. I had forgotten about the wound on my cheek. The only reason I remembered was the feeling of blood streaming down my face, staining my shirt crimson. 

Layla looked at me concern and nerves etched on her face, she used her sleave to put light pressure on the wound. She her hand shook as she tried to wipe some of the blood away. "We'll clean it properly when we're safe ok?" She whispered softly dispite the current situation, I gave her a small nod.

“w-what is this thing?” Logan asked, trembling as he spoke, finally breaking the silence. “According to Tyler,that would be the "prank" from earlier today.” Aiden said with a large smile but an annoyed tone glancing toward Tyler, who looked equally annoyed. 

“Why isn't anyone coming out of their rooms? Are they even there?” Ashlyn muttered with furrowed eyebrows ignoring the boys. “Actually now that Ash mentions it, it's kinda weird that no one at all has come outside after all the screaming and banging.” Aiden points out when I heard a quiet ‘click’ sound behind me only for the door to open slightly. It didn't get far as Ben grabbed the handle closing the door before a thud of protest sounded from inside. 

I leaned my weight on the door to try and stop it from getting outside. Ben was doing the same on the other side sweating bullets. I tuned out the boys bickering as I focused on the door till we heard Taylor speak up. “guys…look down…” they all seemed to stiffen so it must have been bad. Ben and I couldn't see what they were talking about but I felt the static come back. I faintly heard their uncanny steps as they came towards us. 

“How far away is your room?” Ashlyn asked Aiden, “About five of six doors down?” She took a moment to think before talking again. “Aiden, give me the string from your shorts.” she ordered. “kay?, why?” he responded while he pulled at the string. 

“I have an idea. I'm going to tie the door to the pole over there.” she explained to which Tyler complained, “two weak strings and a shabby pole?! Yeah like that's gonna keep it closed!” “Maybe not but it'll stay closed long  enough for me and ben to make a run for it! you guys go!” She rebutted. I nodded at layla who turned around ready but stoped when the rest stood there hesitantly for a moment. 

One of the faster ones rounded the corner which startled everyone.“Go, dammit!” I yelled at them as I took aim and sent the book I had in my hand like a torpedo. It knocked the thing back and to our luck it stumbled back enough to hit the railing and tumble off. I looked back to see the other half of our group running to the room. I sighed in slight relief before turning back towards where ashlyn was just finished tying the makeshift rope. 

“okay-” she stepped back, “run!” we didn't need to be told twice. We started sprinting as fast as we could but it didn't take long to hear a dreadful slam. I glanced back to see the rope had snapped and the creature was now in pursuit, I quickened my pace as ashlyn suddenly shouted. “you three! MOVE!!” 

She had slammed the janitor cart into the thing that was chasing us. “HA-” Aiden began to laugh but I saw its arm begin to move towards ashlyn. I reached forward taking the wrist and slammed it to the wall as hard as I could, I felt its thin bone crunch under my hand. Aiden had rushed in at the same time as me but he held a spray bottle in his hand and a crazed smile on his face. “This could be fun!

He aimed at the eye squeezing the trigger which caused the creature to recoil. A bone rattling vibration went through me as it screamed, but strangly no sound came. “lol why isn't it screaming?” Aiden questioned. Okay so it's just me then. I said before turning back towards Ben and ashlyn who was covering her ears. Can she hear? 

“Aiden! Luna! Come on!” she said, right, yeah, good idea. “I think we can take em! There are more bottles-” “NO!” the two of us said while Ben grabbed his arm and started pulling Aiden away. We ran quickly, spotting Logan and Tyler in the doorway. The four of us sped into the room, shutting it immediately as we caught our breath from the chase. Sudden banging on the door made everyone jump. “we should… put the couch up against the door.” Ashlyn suggested, everyone else nodded silently. 

After moving the couch till it was secured well enough we finally had a chance to rest. “I'm gonna go look for a first aid kit, the cut is pretty deep.” Layla said beside me, I nodded silently as my adrenaline started to wear off. She got up and made her way to the other rooms cautiously. The searing pain on my cheek grew as I pressed my shirt to my cheek to slow the bleeding. I hate Savannah


Author's note: the ones on the ceiling are the creepiest ones fr.

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