4: Sorrel Weed House

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Luna pov:

My eyes fluttered open, I heard shuffling and the bus had stopped moving so that must mean– 

“Could you get off now. My arm is gonna fall asleep.” I heard right beside my ear, eyes drifting up to see green ones staring back at mine. I jolted so violently I almost fell out of the seat. I slid to the edge of the seat and noticed we were one of the last ones on the bus. 

“I, um, sorry.” I sputtered out before getting up so we could get off the bus.
I want to crawl in a hole. “ it's… alright at least you were quiet.” she replied before following behind me and getting off the bus. I tried not to look at her. I was way too frazzled for that. 

I walked towards where Layla and the rest of the group were and was greeted by a shit eating grin as she whispered to me. “Have a nice nap?” I only groaned in response. She chucked again, snapping a picture of my face that was surly tinted pink. 

A concerning level of crackles and pops drew our attention away from our banter and to ashlyn who sounded like a human glow stick. Was that a crunch??? Mr Walter spoke up “alright everyone don't go too far out, make sure to be back here at five, and if anything happens call us immediately!”

He kept talking of course but a feeling of unease settled into my bones as I looked around the city of Savannah. Maybe I'm destined to hate this place. “You good?” layla said as she grabbed my hand giving me a reassuring squeeze. “yeah I just… feel… I don't know. This place kinda gives me the creeps.” I Shuddered. “Please don't say that right now I don't want to star in a horror movie.” she pleads as she drags me toward the rest of the group. 


We all visited a multitude of different historical sites, ate, and got face paintings at Taylor's insistence. I looked at my reflection on my phone screen, if there was a god they were playing a cruel joke on me. 

“Well,” layla started with a strained tone and a smile that matched, “at least it looks good?” i looked at layla who had gotten pink hearts painted all over her face with a deadpan. I had asked for a random face painting only to see an intricate thunderbolt painted on my left cheek right under my eye. Oh perfect it's symmetrical with the real mark. 

Ben was dozing off leaned against the fountain with a mustache under his nose. Ashlyn was looking at her own painted face that had a music score depicted. She looked shocked when she saw My face, she had to do a double take. “Nice! yours looks good, it kinda matches with that white streak in your hair.” Aiden said as he plunged his hands into the fountain and started fishing out coins. He had gotten a very fitting smiley face on his cheek. 

Really? I asked for something random, I'm glad it's so fitting.” I said so much sarcasm dripping from my throat it could probably choke someone. It actually did as layla did just that, she just cleared her throat pretending nothing happened. The twins with their matching tiger face paint were bickering as Logan looked distressed with a simple blue balloon painted on his cheek. We soon washed off the paint and moved on.


“We have forty minutes left.” Logan said to the group. “Guess we should probably head back in thirty minutes then.” Taylor responded before we heard a voice call out to us. “Excuse me! Would you be interested in a tour of the sorrel weed house? A group canceled their tour last minute and  now we have some empty spots if you guys are interested?”

“Wait really?!” Taylor exclaimed starry-eyed, “This place is supposed to be really haunted! we gotta go!” This is a terrible idea. Everyone else already agreed to go so now everyone was going. “ooh are you scared?” layla teased with a quivering voice, “you're literally shaking and your hand is sweaty.” I said holding up my hand that was linked with hers. “...”


We all walked into the house taking in the spooky atmosphere although the second I walked in I felt a growing dread building in the pit of my stomach. It was odd, I wasn't necessarily scared of the place itself, something was just… off

The guide excused herself on behalf of an emergency call and left us to look around as long as we didn't touch anything. 

“Well, that's super professional.” Tyler scoffed, “i-i don't think that's professional” Logan replied. “I was being sarcastic.” “...oh.”

“Eh, an emergency is an emergency. It'll be more fun to explore on our own anyway!” Taylor said while Marching on to a new area. While exploring, the uneasy feeling didn't let up in fact it seemed to grow. 

“Why is she wearing earplugs?” I hear Tyler question from behind me. I saw Ashlyn with a troubled expression as she held her earplug. So that's what those were. “ah! I thought they were wireless earbuds?!” Aiden loudly said. 

Ashlyn winced holding her ear glaring at Aiden. “they're earplugs. I wear them because of my sensitivity to...sounds.” Aiden held his hand over his mouth, “oops. my bad. I thought  they were for music.”

Ashlyn's gaze shifted past Aiden as she paled, her eyes widened.  “...you alright Ashlyn? You look pale.” Taylor asked her, “I'm fine.” she responded by putting her ear plug back into place before tearing her eyes away. 

My eyes drifted to the corner where Ashlyn was previously staring. My blood ran cold. I tightened my grip on Layla's hand and she winced, whipping her head towards me. “Wha- ” she began but her voice died in her throat. 

There was something, some creature behind Ashlyn. Its teeth were long and uneven and resembled broken wood planks. They stood out from the coal colored body, the only other thing I could see were piercing white voids. 

“A-Ashlyn…” Logan cowered, “...behind you.”

The creature had extended its abnormally long finger towards her arm. Without thinking I untangled my hand from my sister's. I rushed forward watching the inky fingers curl around her arm firmly grasping it. I reached my own hand forward to pull it off as Ashlyn let out a startled scream. 

I felt a cold feeling under my palm for just a moment before it was replaced by nothingness. Ashlyn tumbled to the floor looking around for any remnants of the creature. I felt my heart rate quicken in my chest, the others sounded panicked spewing questions when Tyler spoke. “Are you guys dumb? ghosts aren't real, this is just some stupid prank.”

“A prank?” the others questioned, Tyler continued. “obviously. a group conveniently cancels a reservation, and our guide just happens to have an excuse to leave? Then when we're all alone in a 'haunted' house we have a scary encounter. immediately after said "scary encounter" the thing just disappears before we can confirm or touch it?” 

He scoffed looking around the room's ceiling,“yeah right. This is definitely a set up for some sort of reaction video to make money. they probably have cameras and a projector hidden somewhere.”

“SCREW YOU  AND YOUR IDIOTIC VIDEO! FOR THE RECORD, YOU DON'T HAVE PERMISSION TO USE OUR REACTIONS!” He yelled at the room before taking hold of Taylor's hand. “c'mon tay. We're going back to the bus.”

After a moment we all followed them, stepping outside of the sorrel weed house. None of it made sense. I touched it. I doubt these meds I'm on are that strong. Soon Ashlyn and Aiden left the house, we looked at each other, an unspoken question lingering on both of our minds. 

Did you touch it too? 


Author's Note: sorry this took a while I was distracted by the houseki no kuni ending. I took time to contemplate life for a minute. Next chapter should come out sooner. Bye-bye!

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