5: Dreams

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Luna pov:

Everyone got on the bus in relative silence aside from Tyler he still grumbled from time to time till the bus started going. As the hum of the wheels on pavement and the chatter from other students started I began to think. I looked down to my left hand, something happened. It had to have. 

I clenched and reopened my hand, the cold only a ghostly sensation on my hand. I felt a gaze on me from the left, ashlyn was clutching her left arm where the creature's sharp fingers tore flesh. Though now there was no evidence of the event, only the memory. Her eyes lingered on my now open hand. 

Does it hurt?” I whispered as if the creature would reappear if I spoke about it at a normal volume. Her eyebrows furrowed, acknowledgment of the question only apparent because of her tightening grip on her arm. “....it only stings.” she responded after a long moment of apprehension. 

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. “good… that's good. It…” looked worse, I was going to add but she probably didn't need to know that. I was glad that I didn't just hallucinate the whole ordeal. And I was glad the wound only stung, though it did bring the implication that something did attack her. I could feel my eyebrows furrow, as I pondered the possibilities.

“It has nothing to do with us anymore.” she said coldly, snapping me out of my thoughts. By the time I looked at her she had already gone back to looking out the window. I slumped back into the seat, glancing one last time at my hand before closing my eyes. I hope she's right. 


When the bus arrived at the motel Mr Walter explained that four of us would be stuffed into each room. I was rooming ashlyn, taylor, and layla, two people would be sharing each bed. It wasn't an issue for me since layla would have probably snuck into my bed anyways after the whole encounter earlier. 

When we arrived at our room we all set our stuff aside in our chosen rooms. Layla perked up upon seeing a cute little giraffe decoration on the nightstand of our room. At least she looked okay right now. Ashlyn decided to take a shower first, leaving the rest of us to play cards as we waited for our respective turns. 

Ashlyn walked out, her long orange hair undone from her signature braids now framing her body. I truly did admire her hair, it was beautiful. “Ah Ashlyn!” Taylor exclaimed turning towards the girl, “wanna play?” she invited displaying the cards towards ash, showing us her hand in the process which Layla took advantage of leaning forward to get a better look. In turn she left her hand free to peek at, so I did just that. 

“...no you guys go ahead, I'm getting ready to go to bed.” she said, turning away and towards her and Taylor's room. Taylor looked baffled till layla spoke up, “I doubt she's going to bed already, she's probably just an introvert.” layla said as she continued playing cards. Taylor was lost in thought as we all played till I spoke up, “I win.” “Again?!” layla and taylor protested which I just chucked at. 

“Okay rematch after I shower!” layla said glaring at me before speeding off to collect her things. “You wanna keep playing?” Taylor questioned directing her attention towards me now. She was pretty easy to talk to, much less overbearing compared to super extrovert aiden. “Sure, let me get some water though.” I replied Taylor held up an ok sign with her hand. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and got water from the fridge dispenser. 

I glanced at the time on my phone, it was about 8:30. Meds time, absolutely not skipping anti-anxiety pills after today. I set the glass on the counter before looking through my bag that I had left on the counter earlier. I found them and shook a pill out letting it fall into my hand before knocking my head back swallowing it. 

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