11: Let's go

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Ashley pov:

Alright if we do this right we might not die. 

I looked up at the ceiling going over the plan for tonight. The majority of our group decided to vote in favor of going to the graveyard. So the plan now was to get as much supplies from each of our homes and book it to the store. It's a simple plan but it'll have to work. 

Okay next go over the other's situation right now. Logan's the one who's gonna have it the hardest, he's the only one who's alone other than me. I'll have dad's rifle, my blade shoes, and my ears but he doesn't have any of those things. The twins have each other, and the other two pairs have medics. Actually, Luna and Layla may have the best shot. 

They managed to get weapons, medical supplies, and Luna may have a way to track the phantom. According to the conversation we had after the voting, she's  able to sense them when they're close by or there's a lot of them. She told us what happened to them and honestly, it was reckless. But they did succeed and they got stuff that'll help all of us in the long run…. How long will this last? 


Point is Logan would be at the greatest risk of getting harmed. I'll have to think of something… I sighed and pulled out my phone, scrolling to the map app. Searching for the possible route Logan would take to the convenience store. If I take a small detour I may meet up with him along the way. I looked at the clock and it read 11:50, almost time.

I never should have gone on that trip. Soon I'll be transported to another dimension all because of it… whatever, it's time.


Taylor pov:

I really hope we don't die. 

Tyler and I got dragged back into the phantom dimension for the third time in a row now. We had barricaded the door after getting tools for our weapons, so now we're in this small room trying to survive. Those things could show up at any second and- Ok, No. be quiet brain, gotta focus.

I was working on modifying Tyler's broken bat to be more… offensive. I took an old machete we hand found in the house and disassembled it. The wood was brittle and fell apart easily. No one had used it since we were kids. A sharp blade was left, I glanced up to see Tyler staring daggers into the door. 

He held the flail I had made, it was an old mechanics welding project. The spiked ball had a cute face on it and I would laugh if I saw him with it in any other situation. But now? Now I was worried it would fall apart any second. Get it together! I shook my head drawing my attention back to my task. I'm wasting time. I have to finish as quickly as I can, they'll appear at any second.

Tyler had split open a bat while practicing a while ago it was stuffed under his bed long forgotten. Till now that is, now I was able to slot the blade into the crack of the bat, to create the… bat sword? Bat-chete? ...Bachata? No, that's a music genre. Doesn't matter, I still have to put in the screws. I took out the best screwdriver out of my toolkit. Obviously I knew screwing into metal without a drill would suck but I know it's doable. We had passed by the store to pick up good screws that could bite into material without a prior hole.

And they worked! It went through the wood easy enough but the problems began with the metal. They went through... just slowly, it would take time but it would work, slowly the screw buried itself into the wood. This is gonna suck… I hope everyone else is doing well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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