9: Phantom Radar

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I looked out the door checking every crevice for those things. When I thought it was safe I stepped out with scissors in hand. The air was thick, almost viscous but we'd just suffocate if we stayed there waiting. I feel like I'm choking, where are they? So we went down the stairs cringing at every tiny creak we made. Not seeing the phantoms is almost worse...

We reached the living room and it was eerily quiet. Usually there was always something going on in the house, but to see it so still was unnerving. I crouched down so our movement could maybe be concealed, might help right? just like in video games?? We continued, passing by the key rack and I motioned for layla to get the keys. She had steadier hands than me. I would probably knock the whole rack down with my shaky hands.

I was right, till she fumbled. The small tink made us freeze, but she did eventually take the key out. We continued walking through the house towards the kitchen where the back door was. Layla had passed me since she had the key in hand but when we reached the counter the feeling of pins and needles shot through me. 

I gasped suddenly feeling compelled no, forced to look to my right. I saw white voids staring back at me through the window. “wha-” I dragged Layla down behind the middle counter covering her mouth with my hand. I held up a shaking fingers to my lips and the sound of glass shattering filled the room. Dread filled my body as it seeped into my bones, we fucked up.

Fear mixed in with the dread as we huddled against the counter to avoid being spotted. We were left to use our ears to try and listen to where it was because there was no way in hell either of us were going to stick our heads out. My hands were shaking pretty bad, I wracked my brain trying to think of something, Anything, To do in this situation.

The tingling feeling had dulled slightly and only came from my right side, I found it odd. Wait. I then did something that could have been extremely stupid I took my right arm and moved it as close as I could to the side of the counter. The closer I got the more static I felt, Layla grabbed my hand and pulled it as far away from the edge as she could. She looked at me as if I was crazy, which I probably was but my theory gained more evidence when I noticed my hand. Now it was on the opposite side of the counter and the tingling faded. 

 I felt my back start to tingle more as I pushed Layla towards the left side of the counter. The second we cleared the corner the static died down again. Then I thought about it and calmly came to a reasonable explanation.

Am I a fucking radar or something??? What the fuck?!  Why!??? Nope. that's for later when I'm not about to die, for now I'll use it.

Okay so the door outside is on our left, however the phantom is directly behind us somewhere and the counter is the only thing hiding us right now. I chewed on my nail nervously. What the hell do we do?

Layla nudged me then jerked her head to the other counter in front of us, where a perfectly throwable orange sat. Genius. I nodded at her then quickly shuffled forward, snatched the orange, prayed the thing didn't see, and waited for the perfect moment. Okay.. Clear shot towards the stairs, if I angel it right I can get it into the hallway. No pressure, might die though. I had to focus on my newly discovered ability to try and gain a better advantage. The feeling would fade for a second then return every once in a while, must be when it turns its head… 

I waited. Then finally it dulled again and I drew back and threw that poor orange so hard it probably splattered when it hit the wall. It bounced off said wall and into some part of the hallway and the phantom darted immediately towards the stairs. So we did the same thing in the opposite direction towards the back door. Basically ripping the hinges off and bolting towards the shed. Layla fumbled with the keys as the hairs on the back of my neck started to stand up.

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