3: To Savannah!

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The days passed by quickly as everyone got used to classes and anticipation for the field trip grew with each day. Layla tasked herself to convince our parents, the only reason they were Hesitant to let us go was because of my injury last year. They were surprised when I insisted that I'd be fine. ‘It's not like i remembered anything that happened, and layla besides hasn’t gotten to travel much.’ I told them so they relented, signing the permission slip after my verbal reassurance though they still seemed worried.

When Monday eventually arrived everyone who was going on the field trip showed up early to wait for the bus that would take us to savannah. I looked around and saw all of the members of the history group here, which was surprising. Or it would have been if I didn't watch Aiden ask Ashlyn about it on the bus every day till today.

“Are you sure you're gonna be okay going to savannah?” brown concerned eyes looked at mine. You choose to ask that now? “I'll be alright, and we're a package deal unfortunately.” I teased ruffling her hair just enough to annoy her, “what the hell!? And here I was actually concerned about you.” she glared at me, smoothing her hair back into place.

“it's time for everyone to start getting on the bus!” we heard one of the adults say. We walked toward our bus when we spotted Aiden and Ben getting on the bus.

“Hey Aiden, can I sit with you on the bus?” Layla asked as she caught up with them. “oh? Don't you usually sit with your sister-""not all the time.” she cut him off while blatantly glaring at me. Oops.“I pissed her off.” I clarified from behind them.

He smiled, well he always smiled but this one looked more amused than anything. “Sure, I have puzzles to pass the time too.”

He said displaying his bag that was filled with an assortment of different types of puzzles. Did he even bring clothes or anything else?

I looked around the bus for an empty seat since I'd have to fend for myself now. There was none. I signed and spotted Ashlyn sitting by herself, I walked over awkwardly. “Um, can I sit with you?” she hesitated clearly intending to say no before scooting over reluctantly. Oh thank God.

“Ash, Luna, do you want to try one?” Aiden said from the seat across from us displaying his treasure trove. ‘don't call me ash’ she mumbled, “I'm not really a puzzle person…” “It'll be a good way to pass the time, here you just have to match the colors on this one.” he replied, solving the rubix cube in his hand so quickly I barely had time to blink. He tossed her the cube as Taylor leaned over asking for one too. I ended up taking one of the wooden block ones and fiddled with it for a while as the bus started moving towards Savannah.


We had stopped to eat about four hours into the trip and the poor employees at the restaurant probably died inside watching us trickle in. I ordered a burger and a soda since we’re probably going to eat again when we get to savannah. I fumbled a little while giving the cashier the money but hey it happens right? I scrolled through my phone looking at whatever landed on my feed, distracting myself till my food was ready. Once my order was ready I walked through the restaurant and out to the outdoor tables taking a nice, long, breath in. Oxygen is great.

I sat down at the table in the far corner and began to eat my burger. I guess I was hungry, I had scarfed down the burger before I knew it. I ignored the slight tremble in my hands as I reached for my drink.

or, I tried to.

It was hard when I could barely sip the straw as I held the cup in my hand. i let out a shaky breathe blinking away glazy feeling over my eyes. I tried to drink some more soda, take two, i thought. Soda helps with blood pressure, I think. That'll help calm me down… I hope. Everything suddenly felt way too overwhelming, the sun must have come out. It's probably hurting my eyes, I closed them involuntarily taking in a choppy intake in the process.

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