Chapter 33:Arson makes people open up

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This situation was hilarious, really. That Abyss Mage has no idea what he actually stole.

Perhaps Kumagawa should have voiced that out by now. But he doesn't want to lose first seat at the show, and Klee really wants that bomb back for some reason.

Kumagawa:[...What's up with Abyss Mages and Domains?]


Kumagawa:[Every time we chased one of them, we end up in a Domain.]

Kumagawa threw the oversized screw in his right hand towards a red barrel. As tge screw pierced the barrel it exploded, incinerating the hilichurl archers and Geo slimes around it.

Kumagawa:[What up with that?]

Lumine:Huh, now that you mention it...

Lumine charged Anemo energy through her blade, deflecting the Cryo charged arrow aimed at her. The arrow hit the pool in front of them, generating a platform of ice in the middle of it.

Lumine jumped on the platform and then performed another jump towards the hilichurl archer that shot that very arrow. He swung her sword, decapitating the hilichurl.

Lumine:...Maybe Domains have something to with the Abyss Order? We still don't know much about them.

Kumagawa:[Ah, how I love mysteries!]

Kumagawa rushed to Lumine, hugging her waist with one arm. Je then jumped and maneuvered through the air to avoid those light laser mechanisms in the Domain, dragging Lumine with him.

An oversized screw appeared in Kumagawa's hand and he aimed it towards the ground. The screw pierced through the rock formations of a Geo slime meant to protect it, killing it instantly.

Kumagawa then landed on the screw and spun Lumine around. Lumine used this chance to cut diwn the surrounding Geo slimes woth her sword.

They voth heard clapping after that, making them turn theor heads. The one clapping was Klee, who looked lije she had stars in her eyes.

Klee:Wow! Mr. and Miss Honorary Knight are so cool! They're completly in synch!

Paimon:Right? They're joined at the hip, those two.

Lumine blushed, moving her hair out of her face. She then glanced at Kumagawa.

Lumine:Heh...Guess we make a pretty good duo.

Kumagawa:[We do.]

Klee:But...What's an Abyss Mage? I play in the forest all the time, but I've never seen one before. It looks so cute! Soft, and fluffy...I wanna pet it.

Kumagawa:[That sound like a great idea!]

Lumine hit the back of Kumagawa's head with handle of her sword, making the minus crash his face into the floor. However, he got back up not even a second later like nothing happened, although he was pouting a bit.

Lumine:Don't corrupt the child.

Kumagawa:[You're never let me have any fun...]

The Abyss Mage floated above the floor, looking quite smug for someone with no distinguishable features. Surely, those four couldn't reach him here.

The Abyss Mage's thoughts were cut short when the door of the room it was imhabiting was crushed to pieces, an giantic object heading towards it. The Abyss Mage dodged at the last moment, now recognizing what was thrown rowards it as the corpse of a lawachurl.

Kumagawa:[Good! We're not too late for the show!]

Abyss Mage:Hmph. You followed me. I must say, I'm impressed. But this is as far as you will get.

Paimon:Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?

Abyss Mag:Mwuhahaha! Ahahahaha! Oh, the human proclivity to gossip has provided us with everything we need...We learned that your little red friend had in her possession the most powerful treasure in all of Mondstadt. That treasure is now in my hands. There is nothing you can do! Now your precious treasure shall be your undoing!

Klee brcame very panicked as the Abyss Mage put so much emphatisis on the rabbit like object it was holding. That was entirely opposed to Kumagawa, who's grin only grew.

Klee:No, no, wait! D...Don't touch it!

Abyss Mage:Hah! Oh, how you fret now your predicament is finally clear to you!

The Abyss Mage was gloatong in his so supposed succes. Looking over at it's prize, it noticed something imprinted on it.

Abyss Mage: Now, what have we here...A flame symbol? Mwuhahaha...

The Abyss Mage touched said symbol despite Klee's pleas. Said treasure exploded, shaking the very domain they were stading in.

As the flames and snoke cleared not so much as a shred of cloth is left where the Abyss Mage has been. Seeing this unfold before him, Kumagawa let out a low whistle.


Klee:NO! I broke the survival rules..."Explosions can hurt people...Jean can be dreadful...". This is it...This time I'm done for...

Klee sobbed quietly, afraid of the future prospects. It seems Kaeya painted quite the frightening image of Jean in the little girl's mind.

Paimon: ...Wait, so Klee's treasure is a bomb!?

Lumine:That was epic...

Kumagawa:[It really was!]

Paimon: No wonder Klee was rumored to be the strongest fighter in Mondstadt. Paimon for one is never picking a fight with her. Ever. Hold on... Why has she gone and run off?

True to Paimon's words, Klee was no longer with them. The little girl ran off, a solemn look on her face like she accepted hee fate.

Lumine:Something to do with the survival rules...

Paimon:Seems like it! Well then, let's head to the Knights' Headquarters and report to Jean!

Kumagawa:[I think that's exactly where we'd find Klee-chan.]

Lumine:Given our current clues, I'd say that's a solid theory.

They quickly left the Domain, having no more bussiness there. Paimon floated a bit far from them, giving them a lot of space, because she wanted to hurry back at the Headquarters.

In a silent road like this, when they're practically alone, seems like the best moment. After a bit of hesitation Lumine poked Kumagawa's shoulder.


Lumine:Kumagawa...I...I came to realize I don't really know much about you, but...I'd really like to know you better...If you'd like...

Kumagawa:[Sure! Ah, but where does the story of Kumagawa Misogi begins...]

Kumagawa scratched his chin, looking like he was thinking deeply about this question. After a bit of thinking, he nodded before speaking again.

Kumagawa:[Well, I guess things truly began when the girl I had a crush on tried to kill herself.]

Lumine:...I'm sorry, what?

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