Chapter Two - Angel POV

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"NO! VAL PLEASE!" Sometimes I still wonder how I got into this situation, even though I already know. That freak was the only person I trusted, now I'm here... more alone than ever. "I'M SORRY, I WONT DO IT AGAIN!" I cried. A hot pink chain appeared around my neck, it was heavy, and warm. Val was holding the other end and dragged me onto my feet and held my face close. "Never, EVER disobey me and eat more food than your meant to. No one wants to see a FAT demon making love to other men." Val hissed through his teeth. He let go and I fell to the floor, my legs felt too weak to stand. "Understood?" He said menacingly. I couldn't bring myself to speak, I tried but nothing came out. "I SAID UNDERSTOOD YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He screamed coming closer again. "Yes Valentino!" I managed to get out of me, holding back tears. "Good~." He chuckled. "Now no coming out of this room until tomorrow Angie." Val headed straight for the door, locking it behind him so there was no way out.

I just... sat there. I curled up into a ball and wrapped my arms around myself and just, cried. I felt so helpless, and alone, and-
Out from the blankets came my sweet baby Fat Nuggets. He was a pig gifted to me by Val, he ran up to me quickly and tried (but failed) to jump into my arms. I wiped my tears with my sleeve and smiled as he tried to nuzzle into my fur. Oh my sweet baby, what would I ever do without him? I didn't even bother getting up and into the bed, I laid down on the cold hard floor and held Fat Nuggets close. "sogni d'oro." I whispered and rested my eyes.


"No way you actually slept on the floor." A voice chuckled loudly in my ear. "AAAAAAHHHH IM UP!" I screamed jolting up. Fat Nuggets squealed and ran back into the bed and hid under the covers. Standing over me was Vox laughing to himself. "The bed is literally right there you lazy fuck!" He continued to giggle. I turned away sharply. The nerve this privileged asshole has to make fun of me. "Hey don't be like that." He grumbled. "Go get ready, we're leaving in 2 hours." Wait what? "Huh?" I turned back around quickly. I hadn't left the studio in weeks, Val never lets me out. "We're going to Husk's casino. Val wants the face of his brand to be there too, so wear something nice." Vox demanded. "Uh..Uhm... yes Vox sir." I stuttered. "And cover those bruises." He snarled.

I wasn't really sure what to wear to a casino. I decided to wear one of my new dresses Val got for me after a shoot. It was a mini dress in a shade of yellow that went well with my black gloves and boots. After sliding my dress on I went into the bathroom to cover up my bruises. "Fuck." I said out loud. They really were bad. I also noticed a large cut under my eye where Val had used the script to break my skin after my forgot my lines. I gelled my hair in place and I put on my favourite black choker, my sister, Molly, gave it to me while I was still alive. I made my way down the escalator to the limousine, to my surprise I saw Val, Vox, Velvette and about 5 other employees waiting for me.

"Angel, baby~!" Val began to come closer and closer, I braced myself for the worse. "Hear you go Angie." Val said softly handing me Fat Nuggets. I gasped, I was shocked he would even consider letting me bring him. "Thanks Val." I smiled and kissed my baby on the forehead. As we got in the limo Val insisted I sit next to him, so I did so. As I looked around I noticed the other employees were all porn actors like me who have played big roles before. I immediately sunk into my seat, this had to be some 'surprise shoot' and I was tricked into going. "Val..." I asked not looking up. "Why are we going to the casino?" Valentino wrapped one of his 4 arms around me and smirked. "Nothing for YOU to worry about Angel Cakes, just stay by me and look sexy." I decided not to say anything more before his good mood got ruined. Fat Nuggets was curled up in my lap so I scratched behind his ears for the rest of the ride, avoiding eye contact with Val.

After what felt like forever we finally pulled up to the casino and as soon as I stepped out, my Jaw. Fucking. Dropped. "Holy shit..." I muttered. "This building has gotta be a hundred fucking floors tall or sum." I looked around at the other girls again. They looked stressed, very stressed. "Hey sugar, are you okay?" I asked one of them. "Oh!" She looked startled. "Uh... yes Mr Angel Dust sir..." I shrugged it off and kissed Fat Nuggets goodbye and left him in the car with the driver. The building was... incredible. We were only on the first floor but there was a grand bar with many bartenders, lots of gambling tables and lots and lots of people. I tried to make my way ahead of the group but Val grabbed my arm so I wasn't going anywhere. "Smile." Val hissed through his teeth. I fixed my posture and smiled confidently winking and waving at a demon or two.

The elevator was small so we all had to cramp ourselves in, it was difficult to fit 9 demons in such a small space. That was when I really started noticing the girls getting more and more worked up, some looked like they were sobbing. I put my arm on one of their shoulders about to again ask if they were alright but they immediately swatted my hand away. "Alright then..." I whispered to myself rolling my eyes. The doors opened on the 4th floor.

Me and Val stepped out first, with Vox and Velvette behind us, then the 5 nervous employees. Right in front of us was a sign that read 'VIP' which we immediately walked past into a fancy lounge. Sitting there, was THE GAMBLING DEMON? Why were we meeting with him? As soon as he saw us he stood up to shake hands with Val and Vox. "Greetings Valentino, Vox and Velvette, please, take a seat." Velvette was too worried about her phone (as usual) to even shake hands with him. "Husker~!" Val chimed," So lovely to see you again." Husk sat back down and grumbled. The rest of us sat across from him. Val put his arm around me as I tried to shuffle away from him a bit.

"Can my staff get you anything to drink?" He asked. "Hmmm... I'm fine... and..." Val took a moment to think for a second. "My employees are okay they need to watch what they put in their bodies anyway!" He laughed. Husk growled through his teeth but stopped quickly. "Alright one whiskey... for me. So... What was this deal you wanted to make?" He sighed. "Oh yes!" Val began. "I've got 5 of my best girls behind me, they're actors and familiar faces to attract new customers, how about, you give the Vees about... 25% of the company's profits for all 5 of them!" He chimed.


Chapter two done !! Hope your all enjoying so far. Chapter three will be out shortly xxx

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