Chapter Three - Husk POV

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The VIP lounge of the casino was usually closed around this time for the general public, this meant it would be completely private to discuss this 'offer'. Before entering I had one more drink, I was gonna need it. I sat down on one of my couches and waited, about 5 minutes passed until I finally saw... them. The Vees had 5 girls nervously trailing behind them and, a very familiar face. He was a spider like figure with only 4 arms and about 8ft tall, he had soft rose-tinted fur with a couple spots, he wore eyeliner and a LOT of foundation, he was definitely trying to cover something up. His dress was a shade of yellow, made him look expensive, it went nicely with his black gloves and boots. A blue Vox watch? Yuck. I fucking HATE the colour blue.

The vees led their employees over the the VIP lounges and sat down after I greeted them. Velvette was too worried about her social media to even care about what we were here to discuss (as usual). The spider sat down next to Valentino, and looked clearly uncomfortable when he wrapped his arms around him.

"Can my staff get you anything to drink?" I asked, trying to be polite. "Hmmm... I'm fine... and..." Valentino thought for what felt like forever. I don't have all fucking day. "My employees are okay they need to watch what they put in their bodies anyway!" He laughed. I couldn't help but growl, how can someone speak so horribly of their own employees... I'm front of them? "Alright one whiskey... for me. So... What was this deal you wanted to make?" I asked, trying not to sound too pissed. "Oh yes!" Val began. "I've got 5 of my best girls behind me, they're actors and familiar faces to attract new customers, how about, you trade me about... 25% of the company's profits for all 5 of them!"

I just sat there and stared at him. No way he was fucking serious? I glanced at the tall spider, his eyes widened as he looked at his co-workers, it was obvious he wasn't told any of this beforehand. "My apologies Valentino, but I'm not interested." I was about to get up until he stopped me. "Oh Husker~. Why don't we play a game." He smirked. "A game?" Now that caught my attention. "If you win, you get all five of these girls, for free, but if I win, the Vees get 25% of profits from your casino and we keep these 'lovely' ladies. The choice is yours." Now that's my kind of deal, but I didn't wanna risk my company for 5 shitty actors I'd never even heard of. "What about him?" I asked and drew my attention towards the spider. I realised why he was so familiar, I'd seen his face was plastered on billboards all over hell.

"Are you talking about Angel Dust?" Val said so quietly it was almost a whisper. I nodded my head and smiled at 'Angel Dust'. He gave me a soft smile back but I could tell it was forced, he was clearly nervous. "Nonono. I can't make a deal like that. He's my moneymaker." Val began to panic at the thought of losing his boy toy. This was my chance. "How about this? If you win you get 50% of my company's profits, but if I win, Angel dust here is mine and will work for me. You can even keep your 5... other employees. Do we have a deal?" I put my hand out to shake hands with him. Valentinos eyes glistened at the thought of 50% of the casino's profits. He glanced at Vox and Velvette, Vox gave him a thumbs up and Velvette... couldn't give 2 fucks. "Fine, but I'm choosing the game." He grinned. "Deal." I said while smirking and shaking his hand. "Let's play a game of poker Husker~." Valentino said confidently. "It's Husk."


My employee Steph started dealing out the cards. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Angel Dust, watching his every move. He was fidgeting a lot, looking anywhere but the cards, couldn't help but feel somewhat bad for him, I mean this is a scary situation, even if it means he has a chance of escaping that dickhead. The game started and we were both dead focused, all my employees made their way over to us to watch, a lot was on the line here, for both of us. That's just the thrill of gambling, the feeling of knowing you could lose it all. We werent playing for long until Valentino called "All in!" I was shocked at the sudden confidence. Val looked over at Angel Dust and winked. I had a pretty good hand, "Alright, me too. All in." Valentino showed us his hand he had a flush, 4,8,6,7,2. I couldn't help but grin, I slowly revealed my cards, four aces and an 8, four of a kind.
I won.

I looked up at Valentino, he looked like he couldn't breathe. Angel couldn't move, he stared at the cards mouth agape. Val jumped out of his seat and threw the table across the room, cards flying everywhere. Angel carefully stood up, legs shaking violently, "W-Wait... what does this mean Val...?" He stuttered. A bright pink chain appeared around his neck attached to Valentino, the weight caused Angel Dust to fall to the ground. He cradled himself on the ground, almost in tears until it SHATTERED and replacing itself with a shiny gold chain, it dragged him across the concrete floor towards me, grazing his knees and elbows. I Immediately helped him off the floor and onto the couch where he laid and groaned in agony.

"YOU CANT TAKE MY STAR PERFORMER!!" Valentino hissed. "We had a deal. Now I suggest you leave before I get security." I said in a cold tone. Velvette was recording the whole thing and laughing to herself at Val's tantrum and Vox walked over to him to grab his arm and force him to leave before he caused too much damage. All three of them, left with the 5 girls trying to keep up behind them. "I WILL GET YOU BACK ANGEL, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER." Valentino yelled trying to escape Vox's grip. The elevator doors slammed behind them, making the room feel much more quiet.

I looked back at Angel Dust who was now sat up on the couch looking up at me with a weak stare. "You know, I didn't think Tino was that much of a dumbass to bet you over a game of poker." I said numbly. "What are you gonna do to me?" He asked in a shaky voice. "Nothing I promise." I reassured him. "You can call me Husk, and what do I call you?" There was a pause until I saw his face grow a grin. "Daddy." He said with a smirk. "Just kidding kitty cat, call me Angel." He giggled. "Alright Angel, I have a set of rules for you and no breaking them." He looked disappointed but didn't say anything. I was sure he was used to rules, Valentino definitely had plenty of them.

"No leaving the casino without me or an escort, it would only take seconds for a phsyco to pick you up off the streets. If you want money, a car, designer clothes, you name it, i'll buy it for you, just attract new people to this place with that pretty face of yours and stay out of trouble." I started. Angel didn't look away for a second and continued to look me in my eyes. I put my hand out gesturing for him to give me his. I took off his blue Vox watch, threw it on the floor and stomped on it. "What the fuck?" He said annoyed. "No wearing blue. I fucking hate that colour. I'll buy you a new watch, a better one." Angel nodded slowly. Then I slid a shiny, gold ring onto his finger, the reflection of it sparkled in his eyes. "Never take that off, that's how people will know that you belong to me, and won't mess with you. Drinks at the bar are free for employees as long as you don't take advantage of it and get drunk on the job." When I looked down at him again, I saw a smile grow on his face at the idea of free drinks. "Stay by my side and if anyone here (whether their a guest or employee) is giving you shit, tell me and i'll have them killed."

Angel looked up at me and smiled, but it wasn't a forced, scared smile, it was a... sweet, welcoming smile. I could look at it for hours... oh shit where was I? "Come along Angel, I'll take you where you'll be staying."

Casino Of Love - HUSKERDUST - Overlord Husk AUWhere stories live. Discover now