Chapter Four - Angel POV

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What. The Fuck. Just Happened. One second I was tied to Val by a contract and the next i'm owned by THE GAMBLING DEMON HIMSELF. The idea of getting whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted in exchange for just showing my face around the casino didn't sound too bad to me. I mean, not being able to leave the building by myself wasn't too appealing, but Val never ever let me out anyway so this could be considered and upgrade.

I followed Husk out of the VIP lounge and back to the elevator. He pressed the button for the top floor, floor 15 to be exact. "Where are we going Husky?" I asked in my half-flirty voice. "Nicknames already?" Husk grumbled. "We're going to the top floor, where my office and Luxury suites are." My face immediately lit up. "Luxury suites?! At the BEST casino?? Wow!" I swear in the corner of my eye I could see the pretty kitty trying not to smile. Probably my imagination. The doors opened and I couldn't help but gasp, in front of me was a grand office with a large crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. "This is amazing..." I muttered under my breath. The clicks of my boots echoed throughout the large room as I tried my best to keep up with Husk. "I don't let any other employees stay up here in the luxury suites." I raised my eyebrow at that comment. "Then why am I?" I asked. "Well only the best best for our 'celebrity,' and I want you to be close to my room since your job requires you to be near me most of the time." I felt butterflies in my stomach. I'm not really sure why. I had no reason to.

After walking through the giant office there was avery short hallway with only two doors. Husk suddenly stopped walking when we got to the door on the left and I just avoided bumping into him. "Here we are." he opened the gold plated door that led to the most beautiful room I'd ever seen. It had a super-king sized canopy bed, satin curtains on the windows, my very own bathroom and a giant walk-in-wardrobe filled with designer dresses, shoes and all the lingerie you could imagine. Everything was my favourite colour, pink, the same shade of pink my dressing room at Val's place was. It all felt so familiar which gave me a sense of comfort and security. I collapsed onto the bed "It's perfect thank you!" but something was still missing... what could it- oh FUCK.

I immediately threw myself off the bed and onto the floor. "FAT NUGGETS!!" I cried as I wrapped my arms around my body. Husk was taken aback. "Fat what?" I didn't want him to see me like this, I've only known him for what, an hour? Husk walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "What's the problem?" He asked. It wasn't in a intimidating, scary way, it was genuine, like he actually cared. I looked up at him, my face stained with my running mascara. "MY PIG, FAT NUGGETS, HE'S STILL WITH THE VEES. THEY'RE GONNA HURT HIM!" I jumped back onto my feet. "I'M COMING!" I screamed as I ran straight out the room to the elevator, Husk following quickly behind me. "ANGEL WAIT!" The doors shut and we were standing in that elevator for what felt like FOREVER "Fucking elevator can't go any faster?" I whispered to myself. Once we got to the first floor I was relieved to see that the limousine was still there waiting for the Vees to get inside.

"VAL! WAIT!" I screamed as loud and I could. Val quickly turned around and put his arms out as if I was running over to hug him. "Miss me already Angie?" He smirked. I froze... what was I doing? He would never give me my baby back. "Hand over the pig." Husk growled, emerging from behind me. "Oh this little thing?" Val laughed as he picked up Fat Nuggets in his arms almost tormenting me with it. "You're gonna need more than THAT to convince me to just give it to you. How about if Angie comes back home with me... he can keep this little roach." I felt a lump form in my throat and tears building up in my eyes. "50 grand for the pig, take it or leave it." Husk demanded. "WHAT??" I turned to look at him with my jaw always hitting the floor, he was being dead serious. Just as Val was about to deny the offer Vox quickly interrupted him. "Yes yes! Hand it over." He said 'sweetly.' Husk reached for a cheque book out of his suit pocket and wrote a cheque for 50 grand, stomped his way up to Vox and shoved it in his face aggressively. I was in shock, does he really have this sort of money to spend without giving any thought? "FINE!" Val screamed like a little kid and threw Fat Nuggets onto the ground at Husk's feet causing him to squeal in pain. Husk picked him up and brought him back inside to me while the Vees drove off as quickly as they could.

"Fat Nuggets!" I cried holding him close to my chest. I looked back at Husk, "Thank you so much." I said softly. He didn't say anything back, just stayed quiet and stared at the floor.


The rest of the day felt like a blur, Husk took me back to my room and told me I needed to 'relax' after everything that happened today. He promised me he would order room service straight to my room this evening for dinner so that I didn't have to go out and I would be ready start work tomorrow. I laid on my in my silk robe with Fat Nuggets snuggled up near my head. Only then it hit me... I don't know how to relax! I never got the chance to, I was always working for hours straight with little to no breaks. I lifted my hand high in the air to examine the gold ring Husk had given me, it was still glistening, even though the room was currently dark with nothing for it to shine off. My wrist felt almost naked without my Vox watch on (not that I wasn't used to that feeling), it was how they kept track of my every move. Everything just felt wrong, I was pretty much free, I was safe, I was everything I wasn't at Val's...

So why did I wanna go back?

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