Chapter Eight - Angel POV

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That was the best sleep I've had in a long, long time. There was no fear of someone doing something to me in my sleep, it felt completely safe. I woke up to Fat Nuggets licking my hand to wake me up. "You hungry?" I whispered as I held him up in the air playfully. Husk was sound asleep next to me, to be fair it was 5:30am and we fell asleep at around 4, must've been exhausted. I carefully rolled over, kissed him lightly on his head and sat up to grab my phone. I turned it on to see many more messages from Val, but this time I didn't check, I didn't WANT to check. I took a deep breath and blocked him from my contacts, it felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off my chest. My new life has started, and I wanted to leave all that behind me. I got out of bed carefully trying my best not to wake Husk up, put my silk robe on and made my way to the window. The satin curtains slid open, letting the light in and giving me a gorgeous view of hell... and the Vees tower. It was a couple miles away from here, but considering it's height and bright flashy lights, it was hard to miss. "For fuck sake Angel. What are you doing awake so early?" A voice mumbled from the bed. "Guess I'm just a morning person." I giggled and shut the curtains. "I'll let you rest, Fat Nuggets is hungry." He sat up fast and looked almost disappointed. "Are you sure you don't wanna sleep longer? My staff can feed him." He said desperately. "Don't worry Husky! I've got it covered." I smiled and walked out into the hallway.

When I got to my room I rustled through my shopping bags I had yet to unpack and found the pig treats I had bought for Fat Nuggs. "Come to mama!" Nuggets quickly gulped down the treats I laid out for him and collapsed into a food coma. I laughed at his little performance, wrapped him up in blankets and set him down on the bed. I snapped a quick photo of him for my sinstagram and went into the wardrobe to find myself an outfit. I picked out a black crop top with a heart cut out on the chest with matching black shorts and boots. Towards the back of the closet was a pink zip-up hoodie slightly cropped at the bottom so it rested just above my lower pair of arms. I spun around and looked at myself in the mirror. "Oh..." It wasn't the outfit that was the problem, it was the scars and bruises Husk had seen all over my face when I was crying last night. I was embarrassed, all I could do was cover it up and pretend nothing happened. The bathroom was covered in makeup from yesterday, but I ignored the mess and did my makeup as quick as I could. By the time I was completely ready and left the hotel room it was 7:15. Husk was sitting on the couch next to his desk reading something on his phone, he had cute, gold reading glasses on. "Staff are having breakfast on floor five if you want to join them." He told me. "Thanks Husky, I'll see ya later." I said as I walked into the elevator. I pressed the button for the fifth floor and what I saw amazed me.

There were big tables with hundreds of staff members enjoying delicious breakfast foods. "Hi!" I heard a bubbly voice say to me. "Huh?" I looked around and saw no one until I looked down. "I'm Nifty!" Standing there was a girl about 4ft tall. She had hair that was red and cut into a short bob, fair skin and one large eye with thick eyelashes. She wore a reddish-pink maid dress that looked like it was from the 1950's under a white apron with a couple splotches of god knows what. There was a black handkerchief resting around her neck, with black gloves and tights to match. "Hey Nifty, my names Angel." I smiled. "Woah... are you the actor that's staying here with us?" She said, with sparkles in her one eye. I laughed nervously, "I guess you could say that..." Nifty jumped up as high as she could and grabbed my arm. "I'm the housekeeper! Come with me, I'll seat you!" Nifty dragged me through the grand room while everyone else stared at us, mouths agape. I just awkwardly smiled and waved, there isn't much you can do when a tiny demon has got your hand. "Here you go!" She squealed as she basically chucked me onto the chair. "Ahahaha... thanks Niff." I sighed and looked down at the floor next to me. "AAAAAAAH!" I screamed and lifted my feet off the ground and onto the chair with me. "IS THAT A HELLROACH?" Nifty looked at the floor and noticed it too. "Looks like I gotta run, there's bugs that need killing. Hehehehehe. See you soon Angel!" She giggled as she whipped out a sewing needle and held it above her head. "STAB, STAB, STAB!" She screamed as she ran off in the bugs direction.

"She's a freaky one, huh." I whispered to the demon next to me. She covered her face with her hand and giggled a little. "For sure! Welcome... Angel dust is it?" She asked. "That's right. I prefer to go by just Angel." I sighed. "It's a surprise for someone like you to actually stay and work here. We have famous demons come in all the time but this is a first." She told me. "Fair enough, not like I had any choice though." I laughed. "What's your name?" I asked her in the most polite way possible. "Oh! My name's Molly..." She mumbled. "Molly...?" I stuttered. "Oh god, do you hate it? I knew it was an ugly name." She panicked. "No it's a beautiful name I just... knew someone with that name while I was still alive." I muttered while staring down at the floor. A hand touched my shoulder, "I'm sorry, I'm sure she was lovely." She smiled sweetly. "Thanks..."

A tall, strong demon arrived out of the kitchen with a tray with many different plates of food. He placed a massive plate of bacon, eggs and toast in front of me. "Hey snookums, I don't think I can eat this all." I started, that was when I got an idea. "There's something else I'm hungry for. Care to gimme some?" I winked as I looked down at his... you know what I mean. "Maybe eating something would do you some good spider." He said pointing at my stomach. "UGHHHH. It was a JOKE asshole." I groaned. I took a bite of the food, and wow it was good. I hadn't eaten a proper meal like this in forever, which made me want it less. After a couple bites I said decided to say goodbye to Molly and go back upstairs. She told me she worked on the first floor as a bartender, and I should come down during her shifts to talk. I was about to get into the elevator until the demon chef stopped me once again. "That's all your gonna eat skinny?" He asked. "Fuck off, bitch." I mumbled pushing him outta the way as I got back into the lift. The elevator opened on the 15th floor and I practically stomped out. Husk looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "You good, Angel?" Husk asked." Your chef is a fucking dickhead." I grumbled. He stood up out of his chair. "What happened?" I rolled my eyes at him. "Do you actually give a shit?" I stormed down the hallway into my room and slammed the door shut. I leapt onto the bed and screamed into my pillow as loud as I could.

"Come in." I hissed. Husk slowly opened the door and peaked in. "Angel sweetheart, please talk to me." He whispered as he walked over and sat down on the bed. I raised my head up from the pillow. "Sorry Husk. I was just pissed off I didn't mean to give you shit." I sighed. "That fuck-faced chef of yours was just really getting on my nerves." Husk raised his eyebrow again, "Are you sure this is what this is about? Are you still a bit stressed from last night?" He asked with an 'I know everything' look on his face. "WHAT? N-NO!" I stuttered. "You can tell me anything Angel." He rested his paw over my hand. "I'm fine. I just need to let some light in." I said as I got up from the beds. When I opened the curtains again I decided to look a bit closer at things I missed earlier, cannibal town, the vees tower, the vees... THE VEES? Down right near the entrance of the casino, the vees limousine was pulled over and it was clear to see, even from all the way up here, that it was Val getting out and making his way toward the door. "FUCK!" I screamed and tripped back onto the bed.

"What? Are you okay." Husk asked. "No. Nonononono. THEY'RE HERE!" I panicked. "Who is? I'm gonna go down there." Husk said coldly. I grabbed his arm and held it as strong as I could. "STOP! PLEASE HUSK! YOU CAN'T GO DOWN THERE! IT'S VAL!" I cried. "Val's here?" He muttered. "YES!" I screamed. I crawled over to where he was sitting, jumped into his lap and wrapped my arms around him. "Please Husk... PLEASE don't go." I sobbed. Husk spread his wings and wrapped them around me as I buried my head into his chest. "I'm not going anywhere." He whispered and gently kissed my forehead. I felt my whole face go bright red as I lifted my head to look up at him. He was looking down on me with that adorable fucking smile of his. I straightened my posture and pecked him on the cheek, I giggled as I watched his cheeks fade into a pink colour. We both locked eyes for a few seconds, and leaned in closer, and closer until... our lips met and we kissed each other. Wait. I pulled my lips away fast and looked away.

"What are we doing Husky? A sinner like me can't be with an overlord like you. It's never ever worked, someone always gets hurt." I sighed. Husk pressed his paw against my cheek and adjusted my head to look back up at him. "Then we'll just have to be the first." He whispered. Holy shit that was enough convincing for me. We both leaned back in and kissed again, this time it felt right, like I was finally safe, and at home. It made us ALMOST forget Valentino was in the fucking casino.

They kissed yay!! Sorry this chapter is a little rushed, I'm trying to post as much as I can before I go back to school since I'll be doing much more schoolwork and I'll be moving house. I'll try upload once every couple days <3 (sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes)

Casino Of Love - HUSKERDUST - Overlord Husk AUWhere stories live. Discover now