Chapter Eleven - Husk POV

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"Be safe..." I whispered, holding onto Angel's arm tight. "I will." He smiled and put his hand on my cheek to rub it gently, I loosened my grip and he turned away to start his walk. I watched him slowly fade away into the distance, getting smaller and smaller until he was gone. I sighed deeply and walked back inside and saw one of my employees running over to me carrying a box. "Sir! New shipments of poker chips have arrived!" He said completely out of breath. "Take them to the 12th floor." I answered and continued to walk through the casino. Molly was at the bar and threw me a bottle of vodka which I caught and twisted the cap off. "Husk when should I-" "You can handle it." I cut him off, walked into the elevator and began drinking.

The doors opened to the office, by now I was used to the quiet, I even enjoyed it most of the time, but not today. It was missing something. It was missing the nicknames, the kisses, the cuddling. It was missing Angel. Everything felt weird knowing he wasn't in the building, all I wanted was for him to come back. I looked down at my watch, 11:45, it had only been ten minutes since he left. I sat down in my desk chair and rested my head on the table, I had so much spare time to do work, but no motivation.


"AAAAA!" I immediately jumped up from my seat and looked at my watch, 1:30, Angel should be back by now. Was that him?  "Come in!" I shouted across the office. Georgia, one of my employees opened the doors and stepped inside. I sat back down in my seat, "Is Angel back yet?" I asked. "No, not yet Husk sir... but you have a visitor!" She smiled. "Uh, okay. Let them in then." I mumbled trying to hide my disappointment. She disappeared for a second until she came back with... fucking Alastor. "Fuck." I said under my breath. "You're free to go now Georgia." I told her. She quickly scurried out the room. "It hasn't even been a day." I groaned. "Husker my good man! Miss me?" He chuckled. "Back about that hotel huh? I still don't need you." I hissed, "Angel is FINE."

Alastor didn't seem fazed at all, he continued to grin widely. "Aaaa yes, where is your little 'Angel Dust' anyway?" He asked. "Oh... he's not here right now. But he's on his way back now." I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure you sent lots of security with him. Right?" "I...Uhm..." I didn't know what to say, how did he know? "Come on Husker. You know better than to do that." He lent on his cane. "He's getting pain killers only a 30 minute walk away." I growled. "We're in HELL Husk, or have you forgotten~!" He smirked. "I'm not letting you get into my head BITCH. HE IS-" I was interrupted by my phone buzzing in my pocket. When I quickly glanced at it I saw Angel video calling me.

"HAH! See! I told you! Look he's calling me, he's probably home now." I smirked at Alastor and picked up the phone. Angel was really close to the camera, almost trying to hide that he was calling me. "Angel, are you back? I'll come down and meet you-" but I stopped when I saw where he was. Behind him was a dark room with stained, concrete walls. "Wait where are you?" I asked. There was a pause. "Hey Husky... You were right. I should've listened to you. I'm SO sorry..." I felt my stomach drop. "I don't know when I'll see you again, or IF I see you again." He whispered into the phone speaker. "What the fuck? Angel tell me what's happening." I hissed. He looked around in a panic. "I don't know where I am. They're really fucking mad Husk." He muttered getting close to the camera. "I think they're gonna ki-" Angel dropped his phone and it hit the floor hard, I couldn't see anything but the roof. "FUCK OFF! NO DON'T TAKE MY PHONE BITCH!" I heard Angel yell and scream until it sounded muffled. "ANGEL?? HELLO??" I yelled frantically. Another demon picked up the phone, he looked really, really familiar.

"Who's this... Oh! You called him FOR us." He looked away and smirked. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? AND WHERE IS ANGEL?" I growled. "You don't remember us?" He chuckled a little, "You will now." He flipped the camera around to reveal Angel tied to a chair with a piece duct tape covering his mouth. He was struggling to break free while another demon behind him held the ropes together tight. Now I knew who that demon was, he was flirting with Angel about two nights ago at the casino, I had to kick him out after he lost. "Don't you dare even put a MARK on him." I threatened. The camera flipped back around to the other demon's face. "You're gonna know what it feels like, to LOOSE EVERYTHING!" He cried. "I NEEDED THAT MONEY. SAY YOUR GOODBYES TO YOUR LITTLE SUGAR BABY." He hissed and flipped the screen back around to show Angel. His eyes were wide and it was clear to see genuine fear behind them. "Tell me how much I owe you and I'll give you that and more." I said desperately. "Just PLEASE... don't hurt him." I muttered. There was a silence. "Too late cunt."

"FUCK!" I screamed and slammed my fist onto the desk. Stacks of papers fell off onto the floor dramatically. "Hmmm... what a shame." Alastor whispered and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Get off me." I hissed and swatted his hand away. "Perhaps I could change our deal." He offered. I straightened my posture. "This don't have time for this. I need to find Angel." I growled and stood up from my seat. "How about.." Alastor started and pushed me back down into my seat. "In exchange for you promoting my little hotel, I'll bring back your precious Angel Dust to you unharmed. I already have an idea of where they may be." He grinned. I was hesitant but remembered the look on Angel's face when he was tied to the chair, I was willing to do anything to bring him back home. "Do we have a deal?" The room filled with that disgusting, green lighting as his horns again, grew larger. "...Deal." I reached forward and shook his hand. His smile grew wide revealing green stitches across his face. I felt a strong gust of wind which almost felt like an explosion hit me in the face. I shut my eyes tight for a couple seconds bracing myself for whatever would happen next.

"Now, I have some quick business to attend to!" He chimed as he let go of my hand. "That's it?" I asked. "Isn't there supposed to be some crazy consequence after I make a deal with you?" Alastor started to walk to wards the door with his back facing towards me. "Whatever, what are you waiting for? Hurry up before it's too late!" I yelled. "I'll be back soon Husker with your precious porn star!" He chuckled as the elevator doors shut behind him. Why was he so calm about all of this? A part of me was terrified Alastor wouldn't make it in time, and they would hurt, or worse, kill Angel.

I opened the photos app on my phone, I saw the photo Angel took on my phone of us together in bed when he was drunk. It was a selfie, his head was nuzzled up into my chest and my wings were wrapped around him. A wave of emotion hit me, I threw my phone across the room and slammed my face into the desk. There I just... cried. I didn't know what else to do. I prayed none of my employees would walk in and see me like this. "Angel, please come home..." I whispered under my breath. "I love you."

Casino Of Love - HUSKERDUST - Overlord Husk AUWhere stories live. Discover now