Chapter Five - Husk POV

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I made my way back from the luxury suites to my office after bringing Angel to his room after getting... 'Fat Chickens' is it? He was obviously stressed, scared and in desperate need of rest, even if he didn't think so. Angel tries to cover everything up with his flirty jokes and poses, a mortal could easily fall for his act, but not me, I can read him like an open book. It was confronting to see him completely break down at the idea of the Vees hurting his pig, probably the only family he's got down here.

As per usual, the sound of my footsteps echoed off the walls and back, almost mocking me, reminding me how alone and pathetic I am. "Fuck me." I groaned as I reached for a new bottle, immediately downing it without even checking the label. It had been a long day and the casino was to open back up soon in a few hours giving me and my staff more freaks to deal with. I sunk into my desk chair and looked at the stacks of work I had left to do and papers I still had to sign. I'm too fucking lazy for this shit.

Hours passed by slower than ever. I slammed my head against my desk hard, just to keep me awake. I lifted my head to check the time, 07:13. Oh shit. I reached for my phone and dialled the kitchen. "Room service! How can we help you?" "Hello Frankie, it's Husk." I replied. "Oh hey there Husk sir! Is there anything we can do for you before we open up this place for the night?" She asked sweetly. Frankie is one of my newer employees but she does her job so well. "Yes, yes there is actually. I'd like to order room service to room 151." There was a pause. "151?" She asked. "Isn't your room 152?" "You are correct, this isn't for me, this is for Angel Dust, our new employee." "Ohhh right! Sorry Husk sir. What can I get him?" "Oh shit." I had to stop and think to myself. He's Italian right? I'll order some sort of pasta dish. "One serving of lasagna and a bottle of red wine." "You got it sir! We'll send that to his room right away." Frankie chimed and hung up quickly.

The casino was opening in less than an hour and I was no where near ready to greet all the guests. I went through my wardrobe and picked out a black tux and gold bow tie. I buckled my gold watch onto my wrist, looked up into the mirror to practice my smile, then carefully gelled my hair back behind my ears. My cane was rested against the wall by the door which i grabbed on my way out. By the time I got in the elevator my watch read 7:59. Perfect timing. DING. The second I exited the elevator onto the first floor to start my nightly walks around to make sure everything is in order, I was completely ambushed with cameras, flashing lights, microphones and reporters all led by Katie Kill-Joy.

"Overlord Husk! The media is going fucking crazy at the video Velvette posted on sinstagram! Is it true that porn actor Angel Dust's soul belongs to you now?" Fuck my life. It hasn't even been a day and Velvette's created a whole new problem for me to deal with. I despise the paparazzi, but I knew I couldn't show them that, might as well make something the good out of this situation. I did my best fake smile and proceeded to talk into the microphones. "Velvette's posting insane shit all the time, but yes it is true. Angel works for me now and you may see him around the casino next time you visit." I said while winking at the camera and started to leaning on my cane. Everything was falling into place perfectly, Katie here has basically given me the perfect chance to promote the casino. She then held a phone right to my face with the 'viral video' Vel posted. It was a bit fuzzy but you could obviously see me putting down my winning hand and Val losing his fucking mind and throwing tables and chairs across the room. It took a lot to stop myself from laughing on live TV at his pathetic tantrum. "What were you thinking during this little baby's... outburst?" Katie asked, trying just as hard as me to keep a straight face. "I do believe that reaction was irrational, but even he knows that he agreed to everything, and that it was a fair gamble." I smirked at the camera. I knew Val would be watching from home, probably throwing a new fit, punching and tossing his own furniture around.

"Is Angel Dust around? Can we see him? We have questions for him!" Katie said while aggressively smiling and snapping her neck. How does she even do that? "He is unavailable at the moment." I pretended to check my watch. "Oh no, looks like i'm out of time. Enjoy the rest of your night here." I said and quickly walked away from the cameras and crowd. As I walked around the first floor I greeted and made small talk with some guests, most seemed happy. Security had to drag a few crazed people out after losing a gamble, nothing out of the ordinary. I went up to the bar for a drink, the bartender poured me a shot but I went straight for the bottle he was holding and downed it in a few seconds. "Valentino must not be happy about his tragic loss today hm?"

"WOAH!" I jumped. I turned my head quickly to reveal... Alastor, 'The Radio Demon' doing his sinister smile at me. "Christ on a stick Al, you scared the shit outta me." I growled. He continued to smile. "I tend to stay off social media but this was impossible to miss!" he stated. "Yeah, yeah okay. What do you want?" I asked. Alastor never just 'visits' there's always something he wants, and it's always me who gives it to him. "Just stopping by!...but-" "Enjoy your stay." I quickly cut him off and tried to walk away. "Wait! I have proposal for you Husker~!" He pretty much sang to me. "Uhhh no. I'm not a fuckwit, i'm not making any deals with you." I slammed my bottle onto the desk and stormed off as fast as I could. What sort of moron would make a deal with Alastor?


After what felt like forever I finally made it back to my office and sat at my desk. Sitting in front of me was a small red box, about the size of my paw. When I opened it I saw the gold watch I had ordered earlier sparkling back at me. They weren't lying when they said same day delivery. I made my way to angels room and noticed his untouched food sitting outside getting cold, guess he wasn't hungry. Carefully, I placed the box right outside the door for him to see when he gets up tomorrow. I'm sure he will like it, definitely an upgrade from that hideous Vox wristband thing. I went into my room and collapsed onto my bed, I was exhausted and shut my eyes in attempt to fall straight to sleep, but I couldn't.

Maybe I should've listened to Alastor's deal, what if it was something I really could've done with? Surely not.

Sorry this chapter was a bit boring!! I promise Angel's POV in the next chapter will be more interesting. You will also see more of Alastor in future chapters xxx

Casino Of Love - HUSKERDUST - Overlord Husk AUWhere stories live. Discover now