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As the lingering aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, you approached the table where Kotoha engaged in an animated conversation with Sakura and Suo

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As the lingering aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, you approached the table where Kotoha engaged in an animated conversation with Sakura and Suo. Despite the distance, the tension that hung between the two men was palpable. You wordlessly delivered their drinks and continued with your daily routine.

Throughout the day, you noticed Sakura and Suo's gazes fixated upon you from time to time. Their stares, though unsettling, failed to elicit a reaction from your impassive demeanor.

''I'm heading out for a while,'' you informed Kotoha, removing your apron. ''Let me know if you need anything.''

Kotoha's cheerful demeanor faltered briefly. ''Aww no, come and sit with us. Maybe you can help them devise a strategy,'' she pleaded.

You offered a blank expression. ''Not my problem, Ko. I'm sure they can handle it themselves.''


Sakura's frown deepened as he watched you make your way out. ''Always avoiding us, huh. It's starting to piss me off for some reason...'' he grumbled.

''I wouldn't say 'pissing me off' is the right phrase,'' Suo interjected, a hint of curiosity in his voice. ''Rather, it's making me that much more curious about her. Say, Kotoha-chan, what do you think is going on?''

Kotoha sighed heavily. "Honestly, I have no idea. She's perfectly fine when she's working, but for some reason, she tends to stay away from all this fighting. Pretty ironic, considering that's all this town is about...''

''From the moment we met her at the border between Furin and Shishitouren, it makes me think she isn't scared of fighting. I don't think it fazes her, which is quite interesting,'' Suo observed. 'It just made me feel like she's already used to this sort of environment... yet what you say, makes this whole situation with her quite intriguing...''

"She's a mystery indeed,'' Kotoha agreed. ''But right now, we have no idea what she's keeping inside. It's best we don't try to look into it. If she wants to tell us, she will...''



As you walked through the streets, your headphones played music that blocked out the world around you. You found solace in the rhythm, allowing it to drown out the constant tension that seemed to permeate the town.

Yet, amidst the melody, a persistent thought lingered in your mind: why did Sakura and Suo's unwavering gazes feel so unsettling? Why did their presence fill you with an unease that you couldn't shake?

As you stood before the painted tunnel, a wave of longing washed over you. Subconsciously, you had ventured back to this liminal space, drawn by an inexplicable yearning.

"Why did I even come here?'' you muttered to yourself, a mixture of frustration and bewilderment in your voice.

But as you turned, a voice cut through the silence.

''For some reason, I thought I'd find you here...''

You froze, your heart pounding in your chest. It was Togame Jou,

"What are you doing back here?" He asked

''I honestly couldn't tell you...'' you replied jokingly, trying to mask the unease that had gripped you.

"Hmmm...the first time I saw you, you felt oddly familiar...but I couldn't put my finger on it..." he pouted, his curiosity piqued. ''You're L/n from Yokohama's Tenjiku...aren't you?''

Your body stiffened, your mind racing.

''Looks like I was right...'' he chuckled, seeing the recognition in your eyes. Your heart pounded in your chest, a mix of fear and a strange sense of longing.

"Tenjiku was always a mysterious gang...but after Kurokawa Izana disappeared, I thought I'd never see a gang like that again,'' Jou mused. ''It's quite sad though...''

A frown crossed his face, as if he genuinely mourned the loss of the enigmatic gang. ''Quite surprised you didn't bother taking over the gang to keep it going...but I wonder why...''

You swallowed hard, unable to meet his gaze. ''Did you ever find him?'' he asked softly.

💭 ''Stop it...''

💭 ''Stop asking me that...''

💭 ''Don't ... look at me like that...''

''Aw c'mon...I'm just saying, the gang didn't deserve to go out like that...'' He chuckled, you continued to stare at him in silence

"I see it...there is guilt inside you...but there is also something're hiding something..'' He smirked

''Maybe we can fight one day...but for now, we have our hands full with Furin. See ya~'' He cooed before disappearing off into the tunnel, leaving you alone with your thought.

Your hand immediately went over to your chest as a tightness was building up, your hand was shaking now.





''Huh?!'' You finally snapped out of your daze, you turn your head and see Kotoha standing there with the other three, looking at you worriedly, you looked at the rest

''What the hell are you doing back here?'' Sakura asked, you turned away to hide your pale complexion, you let out a sigh

''Why the hell are you following me?'' You let out a frustrated sigh, now giving Kotoha a glare, she nervously laughed

"Hey now, you can't blame me for being worried. After you randomly said you wanted to go out, I figured something was going on, but this place, didn't Hiragi like specifically warn you guys not to come here?'' She lightly scolded you, you stared at her

''Just leave me and life alone, okay. I am totally fine! My life isn't something you need to rub your noses in, so please, just go...'' You massaged your temple in frustration. Sakura stood infront of you

''I can handle my stuff fine. I don't need anyone worrying about me.'' Was all you said before walking away

"Damn, why do I even bother...?'' Sakura let out a annoyed groan

''I thought you didn't like helping anyone, Sakura?'' Kotoha teased as she nudged him, Sakura's eyebrows twitched


''S-shut up! I'm just following my part as a BoFurin member...nothing more..'' He mumbled embarrassingly before walking away, Suo let out a chuckle

''I really hope L/n-San is okay though...'' Nirei pouted as he thought about you



[At school]

Sakura was just sat on his desk, just staring at the blackboard, Suo was sat besides him, also in thought, that is until their thoughts were interrupted by Nirei

''I did some digging and you won't believe it, guys. Suo-San, are you aware of Yokohama's Tenjiku?'' Nirei asked, Suo looked at him in curiousity

''Yup'' Suo said

''Well...apparently, L/n-San used to be the Vice of the gang...'' Nirei announced

To be continued...

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