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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across their Yokohama apartment, Sakura and the others settled in

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across their Yokohama apartment, Sakura and the others settled in. The weight of their mission hung heavy in the air—the need to uncover the truth about what had transpired here.

Nirei's curiosity and worry spilled out in a single question. "I wonder how she's doing you think they'll even let us meet her...?"

Sakura's gaze drifted, lost in his thoughts. "Only I am going to see her tomorrow," he murmured. "I want to speak to her myself first."

Umemiya's hand rested on Sakura's shoulder. "We'll start our search tomorrow. You go and meet her," he said, his voice steady.

After Umemiya, Kaji, Togame, and Hiragi departed, the remaining trio—Sakura, Suo, and Kiryu Nirei—sat in silence. Tsuge remained at home, awaiting updates. Bringing everyone along wasn't feasible.

Suo's concern for Sakura surfaced. "Will you be okay tomorrow, Sakura-kun?"

Sakura met his gaze. "Why worry about me? Y/n is the one we should be concerned about. God knows what her condition is like right now."

Kiryu's question cut to the heart of the matter. "Sakura-chan...will you ever tell her?"

Sakura leaned back against the couch, eyes closing. "And make things worse? Probably not," he admitted

Kiryu's smile held unwavering support. "If you two ever get together in the future, you'll have our backing. My heart says Y/n is innocent."

Sakura's response was tinged with resignation. "You dream too big. Y/n was deeply in love with Izana—it's not something one can easily discard."

Avoiding further discussion of his feelings, Sakura stood. "I'll go speak to her tomorrow. Hopefully, she'll want to talk."

"Just head to bed," he added, leaving the others to their thoughts.

Kiryu pouted, resting his head in his palm. "I hope our baby is okay."

Suo's reassurance came with a smile. "Our baby is strong. Really strong."

[The Next Day]

The next day had arrived, and Sakura found himself standing before the imposing building. Its massive walls seemed to close in on him as he stepped inside, heart racing. After confirming with the appropriate personnel, he was directed to your cell. The corridor stretched silently, amplifying his anxiety.

The sterile walls of the prison seemed to absorb sound, leaving only the echo of Sakura's footsteps as he followed the officer down the dim corridor. The air was heavy with anticipation, and Sakura's heart raced in sync with each step.

The door to your cell loomed ahead, a portal to a world of secrets and regrets. The officer's curt warning—"You only have 10 minutes"—hung in the air. Sakura nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. Ten minutes to change everything.
As he stepped into the room, darkness enveloped him. His eyes adjusted, revealing you huddled on the cold floor, a fragile silhouette. You sat on the floor, eyes avoiding his gaze. "Why did you come here?" You asked wearily. Your voice lacked emotion. "How did you even know I was here?"

"Togame placed a tracker on the police vehicle," Sakura replied. You chuckled emptily. "Stubborn," you mumbled. "Just leave me alone."

"No," Sakura insisted. "I won't listen. I promise to get you out of here." You remained silent. "Leave," you finally said, exhaustion etched in your eyes.

Sakura's frustration surfaced. "Your stubbornness annoys me—it's like looking in a mirror. Can't you let me do what I have to?" Your surprised expression met his. "Why would you want to help? I'm not worth it..." Your chuckle was painful, echoing in the dark room.

As Sakura sat there, his gaze fixed on you, he noticed the bruise marring your arm—a vivid splotch against her skin. Alarm surged through him. "Where did you get that bruise from?" he asked, worry etching his features.

You instinctively covered your arms, eyes darting away. "It's nothing," you muttered, but Sakura's concern deepened. "Don't tell me...are they hurting you here?" His voice trailed off, searching for answers.

You hesitated, then offered a flimsy excuse. "I bumped into a door," You said, your voice unconvincing.

"Don't lie to me!" Sakura snapped, anger simmering beneath his calm exterior. "If you're going to lie then make it convincing..." Sakura mumbled


"Sakura, please leave," You pleaded, desperation in your eyes. "You shouldn't be here. Please just go."
Your voice cracked, and Sakura's heart clenched. But before he could respond, the officer interrupted. "Your ten minutes are up," he declared, his tone unyielding. "Time to leave."

Sakura stumbled out of the room, the image of your bruised arm burned into his memory.

After meeting you in your dimly lit cell, Sakura's mind buzzed with questions. He couldn't shake off the feeling that you were being hurt and is trying to hide it from him, and it gnawed at his heart.

As he left the cell, Sakura sent a quick message to the rest of the team, informing them that he was done. They were scattered across the city, each pursuing their own leads in this complex investigation. Sakura's steps were heavy, burdened by the weight of uncertainty.

Lost in thought, he wandered aimlessly through the narrow streets. His legs moved mechanically, leading him wherever they pleased. It was then that he collided with someone—two someones, to be precise.

"Hey bro, watch it!" The one with glasses snapped, annoyance etched on his face. His dual-colored hair stood out against the dull backdrop of the city.
Sakura barely registered their presence. His mind was still with Y/n, her vulnerability etched into his memory. But the strangers persisted. "Oi! You hybrid!" the glasses-wearer shouted after him. "I was talking to you!"


"I'm a hybrid?" Sakura retorted, now glaring at them. "Then what are you? You're the same as me, you highlighter."

The one with pigtails snorted, unimpressed. "Aish, just leave me alone, alright!" Sakura muttered, brushing past them. He had no patience for pointless confrontations. His heartache was too raw to engage in petty arguments.

"Who is he?" the pigtails one wondered aloud, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"Who cares?" Glasses rolled his eyes. "Let's just go."
The pigtails pouted. "Aw, he looked fun, though."
Glasses shook his head. "He looks depressed. Leave the man alone."

And with that, Sakura walked away, leaving the two strangers in silence. Little did he know that this chance encounter would weave their fates together, unraveling secrets darker than the shadows that clung to the city's alleys.

To be continued...

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