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As the group exchanges curious glances, Togame breaks the silence

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As the group exchanges curious glances, Togame breaks the silence.

"Honestly, I wasn't expecting you lot to be here," Togame mumbles, "especially after your friend was taken away. I assumed you'd go after her." His gaze lingers on Sakura, who flushes slightly under the scrutiny.

"But I'm guessing you had a reason to stay back," Togame adds, addressing Sakura directly. Umemiya chimes in, curiosity piqued. "Tomiyama, what brings you here?"

Chouji interjects, "Kame-chan said he needed to speak with you." Togame sighs, revealing the purpose of their visit. "It's about your friend, L/n." The mention of your name draws everyone's attention.

Togame explains that the officers who took you also approached them. "Something didn't seem right," he says, "so we claimed ignorance. But afterward, I discreetly placed a tracker on their truck. I know where she is now." The revelation leaves multiple pairs of eyes wide.

"Don't thank me just yet," Togame smirks, "but consider it payback, Sakura." Sakura's cheeks redden, and Chouji playfully teases him. "Ooo, his cheeks are red..."

"Shut up!" Sakura retorts, flustered. Umemiya, grateful for Togame's quick thinking, acknowledges, "Thank you."

But the burning question remains: What's happening with her? Togame presses, "What exactly is going on? If you don't mind us asking."

Suo hesitates, aware of the delicate situation. "We can't reveal too much," he says, "but don't you think we need to know as well?" Togame nods, his instincts alert. "I wouldn't have tracked their car if I didn't sense something."

Sakura's directness surprises everyone. "Do you think Y/n is capable of killing someone?" Togame and Chouji exchange glances, caught off guard. Kiryu chuckles nervously. "Straight to the point, Sakura-chan."


Togame meets Sakura's gaze. "Not a question you typically ask," he begins, "but here's my take: I won't judge what someone is capable of. We all harbor hidden depths. As for Y/n, she's mysterious, but I doubt anyone can kill unless there's something truly serious at play."

"So, you believe she cannot do it herself?" Sakura pressed further.

"Well I do hope so..." Togame mumbled

"You guys are together more than us, so you know her better than us..." Chouji interjected.


Later that day, Sakura and Togame were standing by the lakeside, just watching on in silence.

Sakura glances at Togame. "Thanks," he murmurs. "For doing this."

Togame grins. "Just returning the favor," he replies. "Besides, it's not every day we get caught up in a real-life mystery."


"I'm gonna head back, just keep us updated with the plan" Togame said, Sakura simply nodded, although this gaze was elsewhere. Togame watched his for a few seconds before walking away.

Another presence made itself known besides Sakura. Umemiya placed his hand on Sakura's shoulder, a warm gesture and a gesture Sakura had become accustomed to.

"Do you like her?" Umemiya asked out of nowhere, Sakura this time didn't blush, but just closed his eyes.

"Who knows...the others asked me that question before..." Sakura's voice trailed off.

"If me wanting to keep her close to me is me liking her...then...I guess I do like her..." Sakura added

"Ever since Y/n started staying with me, I've been trying to figure out what I've been feeling...sometimes I don't understand and sometimes it's crystal clear..." Sakura said further, his gaze not leaving the lake, Umemiya had a sad smile on his face

"Her eyes are the only thing that speak to me and watching her get dragged away right infront of hurt me in a way I can't heart..."

"My heart...something I never cared hurting so bad that it's getting harder to breathe sometimes..." Sakura let out a painful chuckle


"But I know..."

"As long as she's with us and safe with us, I can keep this buried. Just don't tell her ever" Sakura said. Umemiya looked at him

"Sakura...let's bring our Y/n back" Umemiya smiled over at Sakura.



In the dimly lit cell, you sat huddled against the cold stone wall. The days blurred together, each one a monotonous cycle of isolation and despair. The tray of tasteless food remained untouched, a silent testament to your defiance.

Footsteps echoed down the corridor, and your gaze flickered toward the cell door. The officer—a man hardened by years of enforcing the law—paused, his eyes narrowing as they settled on you. His disdain was palpable.

"Still not eating...?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Are you that desperate to die?" The words hung heavy in the air, a cruel reminder of your vulnerability.

Your lips curved into a bitter smile. "I died a long time ago," you replied, your voice devoid of emotion. The weight of your past sins pressed down on you, suffocating any hope of redemption.

The officer's anger flared. He turned away, footsteps receding as he continued his rounds. You watched him go, your hollow eyes following his retreating figure. Alone once more, you leaned your head back against the unforgiving wall.


The footsteps, once again, disrupted the oppressive silence of your cell. You glanced up, expecting the familiar scowl of the officer, but instead, your eyes widened in disbelief. Before you stood a figure from your past—a face she'd never forget

"You..." Your voice trailed off, your mind racing. The eerie chuckle that escaped their lips sent a shiver down your spine. Their presence was wrong, twisted—a nightmare made flesh.

"Hello, Y/n," they greeted, their voice dripping with malevolence. Your throat tightened. Memories surged—their shared history, the secrets buried deep.

But their next words shattered that illusion. "Look at you," they sneered, eyes raking over you. "So fresh, so vulnerable." Their smile was a mockery. "We've been waiting for you."

As the figure stepped closer, your body trembled. The cold walls of your cell seemed to close in, and the air grew thick with menace. Whatever awaited you beyond those bars, it was far worse than death.

But who was this person?

To be continued...

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