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Basically after Sakura made his way back from the prison after meeting you, he had an encounter with the Haitani Brothers

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Basically after Sakura made his way back from the prison after meeting you, he had an encounter with the Haitani Brothers. Little did Sakura know that he was more closer to the truth than ever.

As Sakura was heading back, he came to a stop. "Ah crap...I'm going the wrong way..." Sakura let out a groan as he came to that realisation.

As he turned around, he was not headed the right way. As his mind was flowing with questions, he came across something shocking. He accidentally stepped on something.

But what is this something.

A pendent to be exact.

Sakura brushed it off at first, but when he got a second look, his curiosity got the better of him and he decided to pick it up, since he found it.

He opened it up and his eyes widened.


He stared at the photograph inside in shock. It was a photo of you. You with the two he bumped into just before. "No way..." His voice trailed off.

Sakura had no idea what to feel alright now. The fact that he bumped into them was making him wonder now. Was it a coincidence?

Sakura looked around his surroundings but where was he going to find them now?

"Arghhh where could they have gone, how the heck am I supppsed to find them...?" Sakura let out a groan. He looked back at the pendent and noticed how happy you looked in the photo.

But your smile was long gone.

In the photo it was those two, you and one other guy with a scar. "Who's the other guy...?" Sakura's voice trailed off.

Sakura decided to keep it for now and made his way back.

Umemiya and the others sat in the living room, their concern growing as Sakura described his visit to you. The bruises on your arm had heightened their worry, and Kiryu couldn't help but express his concern. "Oh, poor baby," he said, his heart aching. "I want to go get her out of that stinkin' hole."

Sakura then revealed a clue he had found—a pendant dropped by two guys he had bumped into. Umemiya took the pendant and examined its contents.

"Oh, them...aren't they the Haitani Brothers of Roppongi?" Togame mumbled in surprise. The revelation caught everyone off guard.

Curious, Sakura asked Togame how he knew about these brothers. "Ah, it was ages ago," Togame explained. "I was in Roppongi, and that's when I heard about them. Those two are hella strong."

His words left everyone staring at him, realizing that you clearly had some connection to these formidable brothers.

Sakura made a decision: "We need to talk to them." Umemiya nodded in agreement. "I guess we have our task set for tomorrow," he said. "But for now, let's get some rest."

𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 || 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘉𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now