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In the shadows of the forbidden zone, you wandered, drawn by an inexplicable pull

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In the shadows of the forbidden zone, you wandered, drawn by an inexplicable pull. The negative energy emanating from its depths was all too familiar, a haunting echo from your past life.

Just as you turned to retreat, five faces confronted you.

''Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?!'' Hiragi exclaimed, concern etched on his face.

''Just taking a stroll,'' you replied stoically.

''We meet again,'' said a voice you recognized. The eye-patch guy stepped forward.

''This is no place to be strolling, get back to the cafe,'' Hiragi scolded.

''I took a day off,'' you mumbled.

''And that's no excuse,'' Hiragi countered.

''Ah jeez...I get it...'' you groaned.

''Curious, why would you venture into a place like this?'' Sakura inquired.

''Just curiosity...I guess,'' your voice trailed off. Those words felt eerily familiar.

''Y/n, head back now. This is dangerous,'' Hiragi ordered.

"I know this isn't ideal, but I'm Suo. Hi!" the eye-patch guy grinned.

''Hi,'' you replied.

''Beyond that tunnel lies Shishitouren's territory,'' Hiragi warned. ''Leave immediately.''

But before you could respond, a sound behind you caught everyone's attention. A boy was running towards you, pursued by two men in yellow jackets. Hiragi called out to him, but he was tackled. Sakura and Sugishita leapt forward to intervene.

''You might wanna stand behind us,'' Suo said softly

''I'm not scared, you know,'' you muttered, but Suo overheard.

A surge of energy emanated from your body, surrounding you with a protective aura. In the hushed darkness of the clandestine tunnel, an ethereal harmony of wooden geta broke the eerie silence. Amidst the shadowy figures, a new presence emerged, his deep voice reverberating through the labyrinthine passage.

''What's going on heeeeere~'' the voice cooed with a playful undertone.

As the sound of geta ceased, a man materialized from the tunnel's depths. His wavy hair cascaded like a silken waterfall, framing a face that exuded both charm and menace. The gleaming frames of his eyeglasses perched perfectly on his nose.

''I saw people with our jackets running around heeere so I came running, buuuut...'' he trailed off, his gaze sweeping over the gathering.

''Damn it. It had to be him of all people. Shishitouren's vice leader. Togame Jou,'' Hiragi groaned in frustration.

''Why's Furin over in our tuuurf?' the newcomer asked, his languid gaze meeting yours. ''Oh...what's this? You even brought a little girly with you.."

A soft chuckle escaped his lips, triggering an annoyed click from your tongue.

''Pop those glasses back on you freak,'' you spat, your voice laced with venom. A shrill whistle escaped his lips.

"Interesting...,"he chuckled softly.

'' if isn't Hiragi! How are you doing~'' he cooed, waving playfully. Your keen eye caught the hint of irritation that flickered in Sakura's eyes.

''Someone's excited...,' you murmured amusedly, sensing the tension rising.

Suddenly, the boy lying on the ground erupted into a torrent of accusations. But in a swift and decisive move, Togame Jou smashed the bottle he was holding over his head, sending shockwaves through the group.

''Bad vibes...,'' you whispered, a heavy sigh escaping your lips as you turned to walk away.

''Now now...don't go, the show isn't done yet...,'' he called after you. You paused and glanced back at him, your eyebrows knitted together in puzzlement.


''Lame...absolute symbol of creed of strength?' Sakura muttered sarcastically.

''Sounds sh*t to me. Beating up the weak is supposed to be strength? Just when I thought I found someone interesting. I'm disappointed,'' Sakura added bluntly.

''Oh man,'' Hiragi groaned.

''I would be too,'' you agreed with a shrug.

Suo glanced at you briefly as Togame Jou contemplated your words.

''Disappointed....huuuuh...,'' he murmured, a hint of surprise in his voice.

''More importantly, that's some crazy head you have. Like Othello,'' he remarked, his gaze fixed on Sakura.


'Ah, seee...I couldn't hear it at all...'

''It pisses me off!'' Togame declared, his voice tinged with anger.

''Alright, I've decided. At a proper place I'll be beating you up,'' he announced.

''I'll remember your faaaace. See you later, Othello-Kun...'' Were the last words of Togame as he walked away



''Yeah yeah, calm down Nire-Kun'' Suo placed his hand on Nirei's back to calm him down

''It seems Iike I lost my chance to appear on stage'' Suo nervously chuckled as he scratched the back on his head

''But looking at him, I don't feel too bad about that'' Nirei pointed out as they all looked at Hiragi who was too busy popping his stomach pills


''Togame, you know. He's not that simple. Even in Shishitouren, he's known to have a strong conviction towards the whole turf thing. He wouldn't let you off that easy anyway'' Hiragi announced, now that he calmed down

''Not to mention. I should've been the one to act first. My bad'' He added

''But you. We better get you back'' Hiragi sighed as he gently bonked your head, you clicked your tongue

''I'll be fine on my own, gosh. Just head back to school or whatever, I'll make my own way home'' You mumbled, now turning around and walking away.

They all stared at you

''I've been meaning to ask, is she always like that. Like all independent woman and that...?'' Sakura asked, Hiragi let out a sigh

''Well, she's mostly closed off from what I've be honest, nobody really knows about her background or where she came from...even Kotoha-Chan knows nothing about her...'' Hiragi admitted, this made the boys curious


''She came to this town a few months ago, so she's like you, she's an outsider too'' Hiragi announced, Sakura's eyes widened slightly

''Nobody knows her story'' He added

''Well...let's head back, we have to report this'' Hiragi said as he began to walk away

''I hope we get to know her better'' Suo chimed

To be continued...

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