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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the sleepy town, the boys began to leave the cafe one by one, each offering their goodbyes and warm smiles

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the sleepy town, the boys began to leave the cafe one by one, each offering their goodbyes and warm smiles. Kotoha, the ever-playful and mischievous friend, pouted as she watched Sakura remain behind, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

''Hey, let me walk you home, if you don't mind that is,'' Sakura mumbled quietly

You shook your head, ''I can walk home by myself, you know.''

Kotoha, never one to miss an opportunity for teasing, chimed in, 'That's not fair, you never walk me home.'

Sakura spat in disbelief, ''S-shut up!''

Kotoha smiled, patting your head as she continued, ''You can take her home, I'll be fine.''

You gave a silent stare, but eventually agreed, and you and Sakura began to walk home in silence. The quiet was strangely comfortable, but Sakura seemed to be dying due to the silence. He glanced up at you time to time, and saw you watching your surroundings, just admiring the peaceful nature all around you.

''Do nature?'' Sakura asked curiously.

You hummed, ''It brings a certain peace to your soul.''

Sakura nodded, and the two of you continued to walk. Sakura had started to notice the surroundings, and it was further away from town, which didn't sit right with him. You stopped in front of the old apartment complex and turned around to face him. Sakura seemed to be shocked to see that you lived there.

''Don't tell me you live here?'' His voice trailed off as he observed the run-down building.

You sighed, ''When you're an outsider, you just have to do with what is here. I didn't have any money to buy an apartment, and I came across this complex, so I just started to stay here.''

''I'm guessing its the same for you..'' you mumbled quietly, just looking at him, Sakura was silent as he stared at you

''Well...I guess I'll head inside then...thank you for walking me home'' You offered a weak smile, Sakura was finding himself being pulled more and more towards you


''If you...ever need...anyone to speak to, you can talk to me.'' He mumbled quietly, feeling slightly embarrassed about what he was even saying

''Sure...'' You said, now walking away from him, Sakura was watching over you, making sure you went in before he left

"Good night, Y/n" Sakura's voice trailed off as he turned around and began to walk away


"I don't like this...she's on her own and has literally nobody living here..." Sakura sighed as he massaged his temples. He looked back at the apartment, a small frown on his face.



The next day, you were ready to head to work. However, as you left your apartment, you were met with a surprise. Standing outside were Sakura, Suo and Kiryu.

"Hiya~" Kiryu cooed, waving at you.

"Good morning," Suo greeted you with a warm smile.

Your gaze turned to Sakura, who was looking at you expectantly. You raised an eyebrow, wondering why he had revealed your address to the others.

"We kinda forced him to tell us," Kiryu chuckled nervously.

"It doesn't matter..." you sighed.

"But why are you living here on your own?" Suo asked, concern etched on his face.

"You'd be surprised by how much people want to be left alone. It's all I can afford," you mumbled. 'I'm not trying to be rude, I just like my own company.'

"It's okay, we understand," Suo said. "But now that we know where you live, I think maybe one of us will drop you off each day, just to be on the safe side. I'm sure you don't need people protecting you, but it's only appropriate."

"We're friends now and we always look out for each other. If you ever need anything, ask Sakura-chan, he's a man of responsibility now," Kiryu chuckled as he patted Sakura's shoulder. Sakura let out a click of his tongue.

"Although we are here to help him too," he added.

You walked over to join them, and the four of you headed back into the town. Despite the cheerful conversation, Sakura couldn't help but observe you closely. He noticed the subtle shift in your demeanor, the way you held your body slightly tensely. After you arrived at the cafe, you were about to head inside.

"Take care!" Kiryu smiled as he gently patted your head, your stared at him in surprise

You glanced over at Suo and saw him smiling at you too.

"We never want to make you uncomfortable, Y/n. We haven't spoken to each other as much nor have we hung out a lot, but I hope we really do become people you can rely on, people you can trust." Suo said softly as he patted your shoulder

💭 "...."

"See you later" Sakura said, also giving your head a gentle pat before walking off with Kiryu and Suo

You were left in silence, just staring at them in surprise. A tear escaped your eyes as you looked at them.

"They've became really protective over you. It's kinda adorable." Kotoha said out of nowhere as she popped up from behind you, a small smile on her face


"Do you think I look weak and fragile in their eyes...?" You asked, your voice barely audible

"Girl, how you portray yourself is up to you, but your hurt by your past and that's making you appear fragile, but I think they genuinely want to help you, you have to let them in." She said, gently stroking your hair


"Kotoha, can we head inside? You want to learn about me and Tenjiku aswell, don't you? I'll tell you first, I'll tell the boys slowly..." You said

"Y/n, I'm not going to force you, you take all the time you need..." Kotoha added

"'s okay. I need to get it off my chest." You said, she gently held your hand

"Let's go sit down, cmon" She smiled

To be continued...

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