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[Several Years Ago]

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[Several Years Ago]

It was a warm day in a certain orphanage, nestled in the heart of a bustling city. The sound of footsteps echoed through the quiet dorm building, a young figure and an older one making their way through the halls. They reached their destination, the common room where several children were playing.

"Director-San is here!" one of the kids exclaimed, and the others quickly gathered around. The director, a kind-hearted woman with a warm smile, introduced the newcomer.

"Hello everyone. So, a new friend is going to be joining us, please meet Y/n, everyone" she said, gesturing to the young girl standing beside her. her (e/c) eyes were filled with fear, and she clung to the director, feeling nervous with so many pairs of eyes on her.

"Please be kind to her and make her feel welcomed, okay?" the director asked, and the children nodded in agreement.

"Is there anyone who is currently not sharing a room?" she inquired, and several eyes glanced around the room. A hand went up.

"Me..." said a new voice. It was a young boy, with lilac orbs and platinum blonde hair.

"Ah, Izana. There you go, Y/n. Izana will be your new roommate" the director said, patting your head.

Izana walked up to you and smiled at you. "Welcome to our family, Y/n" he said with a gentle tone. You stared at him in slight surprise, but Izana continued.

"Let me show you your room" he said, now gently holding your hand and leading you to somewhere. Your eyes immediately went up to the director, who smiled and nodded at you, signalling it was okay.

You found herself being led through the corridor, your eyes focused on your hands. Izana had a gentle yet firm grip on your hand.

"So warm..." you muttered your self as you looked at your hand

"You're going to love it here" Izana smiled back at you

As you both walked, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and safety in Izana's presence. It was a new feeling, yet it spread a warmth across you like you ever felt before.

When they reached the room, you were surprised to find it cozy and welcoming. There were two beds, a small desk, and a window that overlooked the city.

'This is your bed" Izana said, pointing to the one closest to the window. "And this is mine, of course"he chuckled, gesturing to the other bed.

"I always did feel lonely...with that one bed just there...but I won't be lonely anymore...I hope we can be good friends..." Izana smiled down at you with the warmest of smiles. Your heart warmed up

You smiled weakly, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. You had been so scared when you first arrived, but now, with Izana by your side, you felt like you could finally relax.



The moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the small room. The orphanage was quiet, except for the occasional creak of the old wooden floorboards. You, still adjusting to your new surroundings, lay on the narrow bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey," Izana whispered, breaking the silence. "Can't sleep?"

You turned your head to look at Izana. The boy had a gentle smile on his face, his eyes warm and inviting. He had messy hair and wore pajamas that were slightly too big for him.

"I... I'm a little nervous," you admitted, your voice barely audible. "It's strange being here."

Izana propped himself up on one elbow. "Yeah, I get it. But you know what? This place isn't so bad. We're a little family here. And you'll make friends soon, I promise."

You nodded, grateful for Izana's reassurance.
Izana swung his legs over the edge of the bed and sat up. "You see that window?" He pointed to the one overlooking the courtyard. "During the day, the sun shines through, and it's beautiful. We'll sit there sometimes, just talking about everything and nothing."

You followed Izana's gaze, imagining the sun streaming in, warming your face. "That sounds nice."

"It is." Izana grinned. "And at night, when it's quiet like this, we'll share secrets. You can tell me yours, and I'll tell you mine."

You blushed. "Secrets?"

"Yeah." Izana's eyes sparkled. "Like how I used to sneak out to the garden to watch the fireflies. Or how I once tried to bake cookies and accidentally set the kitchen on fire."

You giggled. "Really?"

"Really." Izana nodded. "And you? What's your secret?"

You hesitated, then whispered, "I... I love looking at the stars."

Izana's smile widened. "Then we'll look at the stars together. Right here, from our window."

As you both settled back into your beds, Izana smiled at you. "Welcome to our little corner of the world," he said. "We'll make it magical."

And in that quiet room, under the moon's gentle gaze, you finally closed your eyes, feeling grateful for this unexpected connection. You had a feeling that your first night at the orphanage would be the start of something beautiful.

And just like that...

You had found a home after so long...

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, yours and Izana's friendship only grew stronger. You were inseparable, and the other children in the orphanage looked up to you both as role models.

To be continued...

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