Chapter 1 : Fateful Encounter in Ginza

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Ginza, Japan

February, 18, 2028 09:21

It was a quiet day in Ginza, Japan, mused the members of Delta Force's Bravo 1 team. Compared to their previous deployments in Europe, Africa, Syria, or even the Philippines, the bustling streets seemed like a peaceful haven. After months of training alongside the Japanese Special Forces Group, they finally had the opportunity to unwind at a local bar in Ginza. Little did they know, this seemingly ordinary evening would mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

Adam: Man these last months have been nice, being quiet and all

Andrew: Don't jinx it man, the last thing we need is a sudden work call

Hill: Yea boss if there is one thing I know, is that "Murphy's Law"* is a bitch

Perez: C'mon guys, it's Japan, the only danger is a sudden earthquake or some shit there ain't no terrorists here, no sir.

Hill: Not wrong, the last major Terror attack that Japan faced, was like what ?, in the 90's or something*

Perez: The 90's!? shit man the GWOT* wasn't even on at that point

Adam: Alright guys pipe it down we don't want to disturb the other guests here and get kicked out of this place.

Andrew: Adams right this isn't some bar in Texas where we could do whatever, this is Japan and we gotta respect our hosts.

Perez: Alright alright mister uptight, moving on, how were your guy's impressions of our "Partner Forces"?

Adam: Well, they are well trained I'll give them that, their movement seems on par with some Green Berets* I know, however, they are inexperienced.

Andrew: No surprise there the JSDF has never had a foreign deployment since, well ever really.

Perez: True that, the most experience these guys have was doing VBSS*.

Hill: Well, not everyone gets the chance to fight a war every decade.

Perez: Not wrong, if there is one good thing that the last two decades of conflict Uncle Sam had given us is a lot of damn experience.

Hill: Amen to that.

Andrew: Well if I know one good thing about the JSDF SOG, is they are well-disciplined and very motivated.

Adam: Not all of them are Dru

Andrew: What? That was one guy sir, every organization has its bad apples, plus the guy was squared away when the physical training happened, and besides that was like, what ?, 5 years ago?

Adam: Yea I get ya, still pretty funny though, the guy was a contradiction personified, what was his name? Yoji or something

Shortly after the brief conversation, a waitress approached, delivering food and drinks to the four operators.

Waitress: Ok here are your orders gentlemen

The four of them stared in awe at the food, savoring the enticing aroma and the appealing presentation of the dishes they had ordered.

Perez: Damn these look nice!

Andrew: Well, anything is nicer than an MRE, but I have to admit these do look pretty good

Hill: Alright enough talking, I'm going to dig in, I'm starving man

Adam: Hang on gentlemen before we start eating, I gotta say some things first.

Perez: Here we go boys, the boss's famous speeches.

Adam: Don't worry this won't take long. 

As Adam stood up, the rest of them became silent, showing the amount of respect this team leader has gained from them

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