Chapter 2: The Great Alnus Turkey Shoot

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Yokota Airbase, Japan

February, 18, 2028 16:42

Following what was now known as the "Battle of Ginza", Bravo 1 was transported to Yokota Airbase via Blackhawk helicopter. Upon landing, their commanding officer, Captain Josiah Caldwell, welcomed them.

Caldwell: glad to see you're all ok boys, get some rest we're going to be quite busy starting today, be at the briefing room at 1800.

Adam: Okay, thanks sir

As Bravo 1 made their way to their bunks, the surreal adrenaline rush coursed through them. After the grueling and intense battle, all they craved was some downtime to alleviate the mounting stress.

Briefing room, Yokota airbase

February, 18, 2028 18:00

As the members of Bravo 1 walked into the briefing room they saw it was packed full of other members of the Bravo squadron, all anxiously waiting for the Lieutenant Colonel, Major, And Command Sergeant Major to fill in the blanks.

Perez: Holy shit boss, the whole squadron here

Adam: Well, when the capital of one of our most important strategic partners in the Asia Pacific gets attacked it tends to do that Perez

Andrew: Adam's not wrong, heard PACOMs* been scrambling to figure out who the hell was stupid enough to attack a major ally of the most powerful nation on earth

Hill: Well whoever they are, they're gonna regret doing what they did sooner or later

As the members of Bravo 1 took their seats, the leaders of Bravo squadron: 

- Lieutenant Colonel Eric Blackburn 

- Major Erwin Campbell

- Command Sergeant Major Fraser Hughes

Walked in and the room went silent.

Blackburn: Alright, gentlemen, before we begin, I just want to commend the members of Bravo 1 for their exceptional work in saving those civilians and returning safely. You've truly made our organization proud, boys.

Campbell: You wouldn't believe it, the entire TOC was practically glued to the monitor screens.

Adam: Thank you, sirs

Blackburn: Alright, now I know you all got some questions, like who or even what attacked the Ginza District, well short answer is: we don't know and it's now our job to find out, Hughes

Hughes: OK, pay attention folks!

As the major clicked the projector remote, a sudden image of a colossal gate-shaped structure filled the screen, leaving many members of the Bravo squadron baffled.

Hughes: This, gentlemen is what the Japanese have termed the gate, we have no idea what it is or how it appeared but we do know one thing for sure, is that the enemy came through this gate and attacked indiscriminately, causing hundreds of civilian deaths and many missing, this includes 20 dead and 30 missing Americans as per the last report

As the soldiers heard this, their resolve hardened. Knowing that their fellow Americans were killed and taken captive by this unknown enemy only fueled their resolve to apprehend or neutralize those behind the assault, by any means necessary if needed.

Hughes: As for who the enemy is themselves, from what the agency* can gather from POWs captured during the battle they called themselves "Soldiers of the Empire", the name of said empire is not known yet

GATE: Task Force GuillotineWhere stories live. Discover now