Chapter 7: Siege of Italica Part 3

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Bigsby's Tavern, Italica

March, 28, 2028 12:32 (28th day of the Crescent Moon 638)

After assessing the situation on the ground, the team entered a nearby tavern and quickly transformed it into a temporary command center. They set up communication equipment, established secure lines, and mapped out the area to coordinate the defenses

Itami: How long until backup arrives?

Adam: Caldwell said likely tomorrow at dawn.

Itami: Kuwahara, Tomita, how are the fortifications coming along?

Kuwahara: We're doing our best, but it's not enough. The defenses are still too weak to hold off a determined assault.

Tomita: We need more time and resources sir

Adam: Well we're short on both so figure it out, how about the wounded?

Kurokawa: We've set up a makeshift infirmary, but the supplies are running low. We've already used most of the bandages and antiseptics.

Andrew: The more severe cases need immediate attention, but we're forced to prioritize. Some of the injured won't make it through the night without better medical care.

Adam: Alright, we'll have to make do with what we have. Kurokawa, Andrew, do your best with the supplies you have. We'll ration everything and keep the most critical cases stable until backup arrives.

Perez and Kurata then walked in, their expressions grim.

Kurata: Sir, the east gate is in bad shape. The damage is extensive, and it's likely the most vulnerable point of attack.

Perez: If they come at us in force, that's where they'll hit first. We've shored it up as best we can, but it's a weak spot.

Itami: Understood. Thank you for the report. Both of you, take a break. You've earned it.

Kurata: Thank you, sir.

Perez: Appreciate it, sir.

As Perez and Kurata stepped away, Itami turned back to the rest of the group.

Itami: Alright, everyone, let's keep focused. We have to hold out until reinforcements arrive. Kuwahara, Tomita, do what you can with the defenses. Kurokawa, Andrew, keep those wounded stable, Hill, stay with the vehicles we may need to move them at a moment's notice. Everyone else do what you can to help the people. We don't have much, but we've got each other. We'll get through this.

Adam: And remember, everyone, our mission is to protect the civilians and hold this position. We can't afford to fail. Let's move people

As the team was strategizing, Lelei and Tuka approached Itami

Lelei: Itami, we don't want to be left out. How can we help?

Itami looked at them, weighing their capabilities and the situation.

Itami: Lelei, can you heal with your magic?

Lelei nodded confidently.

Lelei: Yes, I can. I may not be entirely proficient but I can do basic healing

Itami: Great. Go to Kurokawa and Andrew and assist with the wounded.

Lelei: Understood. I'll do my best.

Itami turned to Tuka, concern evident in his expression.

Itami: Tuka, I appreciate your willingness to help, but I don't want you to get hurt. Can you assist Lelei and the medics instead?

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