Chapter 13: Aftermath

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Chapter 2 Of "Girls Frontline: Lingering Grudges" is out now! pls check it out in my profile:)))))))))

Town Square, Italica

March 31, 2028, 04:30 (31st day of the Crescent Moon 638)

The once-bustling grand chamber of the castle was now eerily silent, save for the subdued murmurs of the remaining attendees and the distant echoes of footsteps. The trial had come to a decisive and bloody conclusion, leaving behind a grim tableau of the aftermath.

Outside the castle, the scene was starkly different. US Marines and JSDF soldiers worked diligently, as they packed up their equipment and prepared to depart. The bandits, now processed and subdued, were being loaded onto trucks, their once defiant postures replaced by subdued resignation.

In the midst of this, Bravo One and Third Recon were also preparing to leave. Itami stood by one of the vehicles, glancing over a clipboard to ensure everything was in order while Adam methodically checked the last of the supplies. 

Adam: Hell of a way to wrap things up. Thought this was gonna be a simple escort mission. 

Itami looked up from his clipboard, the exhaustion evident in his eyes.

Itami: Yeah, but nothing's ever simple here, is it?

Adam scoffed at Itami's statement, his lips curling into a wry smile as he finished securing the last of the gear.

Adam: Simple's never in the cards, huh?

Before Itami could respond, the soft sound of footsteps approached. Andrew and Kurokawa appeared from around the corner, Andrew carrying Red in his arms, fast asleep. The young girl's head rested against Andrew's shoulder, her peaceful slumber a stark contrast to the tension surrounding them.

Andrew gave a tired grin as he approached the group, adjusting his hold on Red carefully.

Andrew: She finally passed out. Long day for her.

Kurokawa walked alongside them, her face softening as she glanced at the sleeping child.

Kurokawa: I guess we're all due for some rest after today.

Adam shook his head, looking at the little girl wrapped up in Andrew's arms.

Adam: Kid's tougher than she looks. Hell, tougher than half the guys I know.

Itami chuckled under his breath, but the fatigue in his expression remained.

Itami: Well, considering what she's been through. She's probably tougher than all of us

Adam shook his head as he glanced at Red, still sound asleep in Andrew's arms.

Adam: Might as well be the case. She's been through more than most of us have seen in a lifetime.

Andrew glanced down at Red, still peacefully asleep in his arms, and nodded toward Kurokawa.

Andrew: We should get her settled in one of the vehicles. She's had enough for one day.

Kurokawa, ever the caretaker, agreed with a soft smile.

Kurokawa: Let's make sure she's comfortable.

As Andrew and Kurokawa left, Skiff and Fort approached Adam and Itami, Skiff gave a nod of acknowledgment before addressing them.

Skiff: You guys all set to roll out?

Adam straightened up, glancing at the vehicles.

Adam: Almost, just need to do a head count before we head back. What about you? Are you all heading back as well?

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