Chapter 6: Siege of Italica Part 2

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Marketplace, Italica

March, 28, 2028 08:42 (28th day of the Crescent Moon 638)

As the team made their way to the market, they noticed the townspeople watching them closely. The locals' eyes tracked their movements with curiosity and caution.

Kurata: I don't like this.

Kuribayashi: You scared?

Kurata: No, its just-

Perez: Relax, Kurata. It's normal for them to be wary. Just stay focused.

Kurata: I hope you're right, Perez

As they entered the market, they were met with a chilling scene: rows of individuals, encompassing men, women, and children of diverse races and demihuman traits, all confined in chains and cages. Their faces depicted a mix of desperation and despair.

Hill: Jesus...

Tomita: My god...why are those people in cages?

Lelei: They're slaves. Does your world not have them?

Andrew: A long time ago, but we abolished it.

Rory: In this world, slavery is a fundamental part of the economy. It sustains the wealthy and provides labor for various industries. Without it, society would collapse.

Hill: That's barbaric. How can you justify treating people like property?

Lelei: It's just the way things have always been. Slaves are seen as a necessity, not as individuals.

Tuka: Father always said the same thing. Even when we passed by slave traders with enslaved elves among them, he discouraged us from freeing them, fearing the empire's reprisals.

Andrew: We used to have slavery on Earth too. It caused immense suffering and injustice. It took centuries of struggle to end it. Even now, there are terror groups that try to bring it back, exploiting the vulnerable.

Rory: Your world sounds idealistic. Here, power dictates the rules. The strong dominate the weak.

Andrew: It wasn't easy for us either. We fought wars, had movements, and sacrificed countless lives to end it. Those who try to revive it are considered enemies of humanity. Freedom is a right everyone deserves.

Rory: Perhaps your world has the luxury to think so. Here, survival often means making harsh choices.

As they moved deeper into the marketplace, the team could feel the weight of countless eyes upon them. Every step they took seemed to resonate with a mixture of silent dread and unspoken questions from the enslaved and their captors alike. The air was thick with the stench of misery and oppression.

Kuwahara: Stay sharp, everyone. We don't know what we're dealing with here.

Hill glanced around, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the surroundings. The team fanned out slightly, maintaining a cautious distance from one another while still keeping close enough to provide immediate support if needed.

A burly merchant approached, his eyes narrowing as he looked over the team with a calculating gaze. His clothing was elaborate, clearly marking him as someone of significant status within this grim marketplace.

Merchant: Newcomers, eh? Looking to buy or just gawking?

Andrew stepped forward, his expression stern but controlled.

Andrew: Neither. We're here to understand. Why do you keep these people in such conditions?

The merchant sneered, his lips curling into a mocking smile.

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