chapter 1: a small town cafe and a small blonde girl

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(A/N: OH MY GOSH GUYS!! I am SOOO excited for this story. I have wanted to write something like this for a while, so I hope that you guys will enjoy it too. Please just remember not to spread any hate about the characters as this story is based on my life and I tried to make Yes/No similar to me so I could really relate to her as I wrote the story. I hope that you guys can end up relating to her too in some way. Now let's get onto the story!!!)

It was a normal walk home from Crystal High School for me. I took the route home in the forest because it made me feel more at peace, and because my powers were calmer through nature. School was terrible as always, nature is my only escape. I get bullied constantly, no one likes me. Even my own Father wished I was more like my older sister. I will never be able to live up to their expectations. I zone out as the singing birds reminded me of my favorite song (A/N: Fight song.) I started to hum sweetly. As I hum, I start to sing, activating another one of my 5 secret powers, but I only knew what two were. My flowing (h/c) hair and glowing gorgeous (e/c) orb eyes resembled the purest pearls reflected in the nearby pond. But I don't see myself like everyone else does. In my mind I am ugly, no one could ever love such a hideous ugly beast. My golden hair blew gently in the wind. If only they knew the truth of what I really was. They would all leave me in a heartbeat, not that anyone would care in the first place. I splashed the water with my foot and it rippled softly. I stomped away my aura of gray-blue.

I stopped by my favorite local coffee shop because, unlike the other girls at school, I hated Starbucks. (A/N: I LOVE supporting local businesses guys! You should do the same!). I walked up to the counter as I saw a familiar face. It was Ryan! He always knows what I want. It's almost like he can read my mind! Crazy, right? (A/N: By the way, Ryan's got the hottest Aussie accent you'll ever hear.)

"Hi Ryan!"

"Oh, hey Yes/No, the usual?"

I wasn't like other girls. They all ordered trending frappuccinos and lattes from mainstream coffee places. but I was different. I started off my mornings with black tea, because it's as dark as my broken soul and heart. The darkest black tea I could find is from this small shop, 'Peaches And Cream Cafe'.

"I was waiting for you, you're a little late today. Is everything ok?"

"No...everything is not okay. How could I be in my life?! School was terrible. I have a C- in one class (my highest grade), which is unacceptable to my step-dad, so they're probably going to try to sell me again! And I have no friends. Why does no one like me?! Why?!"

"Do you wanna talk about it? I'm always here for you."

"No, I don't trust you! We are not friends! I know you're just pretending to like me. You're just like everyone else!"

"Yes/No, I love you, how can you be so dense? It was love at first sight."

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! You're lying, you're way out of my league. Stop playing dumb, Ryan!"

"Why won't you believe me, have I ever broken your trust?"

"No but everyone around me in this hell has! You know about my mother!!!"

"Yes/No, I-"

"Save it. I don't want my stupid tea! I'm leaving!"

"Yes/No, wait!" Ryan said as tried to run after her, but it was too late. She had already flown out of the door. He stood there feeling dejected, his arms drooping to his side. He lifted his head up taking in the surroundings. Everyone in the cafe was watching us.

I watched my darling (Yes/No) rush down the street from the cafe window. I sighed and looked down. The crushing truth shreds upon me. She will never love me.


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