chapter 4: friend or foe? love or betryal?

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I decided I should ask Fiona if we could go to a local coffee shop, I needed to talk to her for certain details.

"What do you mean, a local coffee shop? Starbucks is the best!" Fiona said with a ting of disheartenment, as if she didn't expect such choices from me.

(A/n: Not Starbucks!!!! Support local businesses!!! :) I have decided to call my readers angels. What do you guys think?)

"I-I'm sorry...if you want, we'll go there then..?"

"Of course, let's go there. I'm sure you will love it! I'll just get a pink drink. You?"

"C-can't we decide when we g-get there?"

"Order's faster on the app, which should be obvious."

"B-but, I-I needed t-time anyways, I-I-I n-need to t-t-talk ab-bout something.."

"Okay! Follow me to the car then." Fiona flipped her hair and turned around, walking with a stride of inner-strength. Oh, how I wished I had her confidence. I don't get how Jaquavius doesn't see that in her..unless...

'He hasn't been..hiding anything...has he-? I thought to myself. No, he wouldn't! He's treated me so well...he wouldn't lie to me! Doesn't he love me and me only? He does. Right..?'

"Yes/No! You coming or not??"

I broke my train of thought as Fiona called to me. I buried after her my dress blowing behind me. I followed her to a large storage room. She turned and smiled at me.

"Hey, I know you just put it on but you have to change out of your uniform whenever you leave headquarters. Unless you have one of the members with you."

"Oh i-its o-okay. Th-thanks Fiona."

She handed me a bag of high end clothes and went to another part of the room.

I opened the bag to see a pair of white leather boots, a coffee colored skirt, a beige and brown striped ribbed sweater, a brown beret and some accessories.

I slipped on the outfit, once again staring at my awkward proportions. I will never understand why I'm the chosen one. Why am I chosen by Jaquavius? Why me?

(A/N: Yes/No actually has a body better than Fiona's, but she's very insecure about it! Remember, I'm trying to keep this story as relatable as possible! Your beautiful guys <3)

"Yes/No! Are you done yet?!" Fiona shouted out.

"A-almost! S-s-sorry..." I hurriedly tugged on my cream colored skirt and my brown and beige striped sweater. I also decided to do my hair braids. My fingers quickly looped through my golden hair. I laced up my platforms and flew to the hallway where Fiona was waiting for me.

"Yes/No Senpai~ you look so cute! That's totally your aesthetic."

"Th-Thanks Fiona. You look c-cute too...." She was dressed beautifully in a black shirt along with a carnation pink sweater and khakis that made her plum purple orbs shine even brighter than before. She carried a corduroy tote bag with the cutest badges on it.

"Follow me senpai!" I tried hard to keep up with Fiona's bouncy strides. We arrived in a large hangar filled with cars and planes. I looked around in awe at how rich these Mafia must be. Fiona strode over to a bright pink Lamborghini.

"Tee-hee! This is my car! One of the bodyguards Boris will drive us since I don't have my license yet." she winked cheekeley at me.

"O-oh I don't either. M-mom n-n-never let me because she th-thought it'd be better off for me to n-not drive or I'll k-kill s-someone. She let my s-sister though."

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