chapter 7: drowning in the sea of love and discontent

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When the doctor entered the room again, Jaquavius's orbs burned into mine. The tension was eating me to the skin and bone.

"Okay, I got all her x-ray prints right here, would you join me in another room? We need to talk."


"By the way did you call her pare-"

"Not here! I told you, in the other room!"

Jaquavius stared hard into the doctor's dark brown orbs, broke the contact, and started walking.

"If you bring up her parents one more time, I will not hesitate to explode your innards."

The doctor took Jaquavius' arm and dragged him to the other room. I didn't like how he was treating Jaquavius, so I tried to hiss at him. Unfortunately, it sounded like a wheezing puppy. I gulped nervously and bit my lip again.

Jaquavius looked back at me before completely stepping into the other room, saying, "You okay, kitty?" The doctor gave a disgusted look and just let him go and walked away with a not-so-genuine smile plastered onto his face."

"What's that freak's problem.." Jaquavius mumbled, his eyes starting to glow red.

"M-master, i-it's okay.. B-but he seemed familiar right?"

Jaquavius used his thumb and pointer finger to grab my chin, and tried to point my face to his. Fortunately, my soft and petite neck was not harmed.

"Stay away from that guy, I don't want him near you. Don't look at him. I'm the only guy you should think about."

"Y-yes m-master.." He pecked my lips, and I looked into his eyes for an extra beat before closing my eyes. God, was I tired!

"I love you. Remember that, my love. Remember that." Jaquavius' deep, handsome, languid voice cracked a little. Was he crying? I wanted to hug him but obviously, I couldn't. I heard a soft sniff, I couldn't believe it. I had let the love of my life down. Would I ever forgive myself? Who knows...

I let my dreams take me as I plunged into a deep sleep.

'I love you, too. I love you, Jaquavius my alpha, I'm sorry.'

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