chapter 5: from tears falling on cheeks to falling off the stairs

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The next day, I woke up to see the window on my left showcasing rain from outside. I watched two of the droplets race down, and I was excited to see it. I wanted the rain drop on the right to win, don't know why. It was bigger, stronger, and reminded me a bit of Jaquavius. I guess the smaller one could be Ryan.

I loved the rain, it reminded me of my mother.

'Mother...' I missed her so much.

I decided to get up, stretch a little, and start my 18-step skincare routine, then maybe I'd go down for breakfast. But do I really deserve to eat? Because of me, Jaquavius was at risk yesterday, yet he still saved me. But those people could have done something to him. I know he's strong but- I started to sniffle, hot crystal tears starting to trickle down my fragile porcelain face. My tears delicately coated my eyelashes as I blinked my icy blue large orbs. Warm sunshine colored snot started running down my petite button nose. I bit my lip shamefully, wondering why I always cried. Master wouldn't want this. He would punish me again.

I tried to hold my sobs in as I took my lavender tea scented oil cleanser, the first step of my skincare routine. I started to aggressively rub my fair and soft skin with tap water. I guess I was too aggressive, because I accidentally rubbed my face a bit too hard. Ouch, why am I so delicate and fragile? It's not fair! I started to feel the return of tears, I tried to throw my cleanser across the room in a fit of rage. It dropped right in front of me. Why am I so weak and petite? I rubbed my eyes and held my breath till the tears went away. I was done crying all the time. I groaned loudly and went back to the sink. Just then, Jaquavius heard me and dashed to the bathroom.

"Kitten, I heard something! What happened, are you okay?"

He started to bare his teeth and growl, before realizing there was no threat trying to hurt me. He shook his head and approached me. He held his arms out signaling me to hug him but I was upset.

"No Jaquavius, I need to stop being so sensitive! I know how you hate to see me cry! I'm sorry, I'm not good enough for you- I-"

Before I even realized, I started to violently sob again. I rushed out of the bathroom, running into nothing. All I knew is that I had to get away from Jaquavius. I didn't want him to see his mate so weak! But then, something terrible happened.

"Yes/No, wait! Yes/No!"

While my hands were still covering my eyes, I tripped. Dumb mistake. I flew down the stairs. My life flashed before my eyes. A painful ringing blared in my ears and before I knew it, I was unconscious. Everything was black, and I was cold and afraid. I wanted to feel Jaquavius's cold and calloused arms holding me again.

Jaquavius?....Jaquavius....I'm sorry....

(A/N: sorry the chapter is so short this time guys! But just wait for what we have in store next time <333)

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