chapter 8: fragile dreams, fragile like me

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In my dreams, I was a child again. I was standing in my favorite park back home in L.A. I saw a young woman dressed beautifully in a baby blue dress and an old fashioned sun hat. I wondered who she was. There was a man standing across from her in a suit. He was down on one knee with a ring. I smiled at the comforting wholesomeness. The woman started tearing up and nodding when she turned I saw a familiar face.

'Mom?!' Suddenly I realized I was viewing my mother as a young adult. I saw her in many settings. Dates with the man, buying her first apartment, traveling, and me... I watched my mother jump with joy excitedly looking down at the pale test. The 2 red lines struck my heart as I watched her from my dream-like state. I knew what was about to happen. I had lived through it already. I would be the end of my mothers happiness. I watched her hand the test to my father but instead of matching her emotion he squinted his orbs and wrinkled his face in confusion. An outburst of rage was released on my mother. The man did not hold back. I felt like I was trapped in a glass box. I couldn't do anything to help her, just watch. I was the cause of her misery. A mistake. My mother suddenly collapsed and started coughing wildly. She was sick. I felt my world shatter all over again. I tried to call out to her but my voice was drowned out. Darkness was closing in and I was drifting farther away from her. I was losing her again! No this couldn't happen, no, NO! MOTHER!!!!

"AHHH!" I screamed out, bursting into tears. My sight was blurry but I saw Jaquavius' buff figure hurry over to me.

"Yes/No! What happened???" I could hear the concern in his voice, it just made me feel worse. He shouldn't have cared about me so much, why was I such an attention-seeker?!

Jaquavius tried hugging me, but I yelled and tried pushing him off. I didn't deserve him, I was a selfish brat. Always ruining people's lives. Thanks to me, he was at risk shooting those people, he was wasting his time here, oh God, all the mistakes I have made! My God-like Alpha would be better off without me.

But why did I still want him? I kept on telling further, I need to move him, it would be better for him. But I couldn't. He was an addiction. Like heroin. I was more addicted than my step-father was to cocaine.

He was my addiction. My only source of happiness. My sunshine. My Earth. My world. My universe. My savior. My everything.

"Wh-when we get out of here w-we n-need t-to t-talk."

Jaquavius sighed deeply and looked at his hands which were interlocked together so tightly that his handsome knuckles turned pale and white. The rings on his fingers glittered in the fluorescent light.

"I understand, kitten...but for now just rest."
"B-but w-w-what if we don't g-get out of here within a c-couple of w-weeks? I'm m-most l-likely g-g-going to f-f-f-f-orget."

"I can sense it's something bad. I can't let you stress right now, you need to be as relaxed as possible or your healing could slow down....or even stop."

"I know! B-but I can't s-stay here f-forever! I don't want to end up like..."

"Your mother?"

"Wh-what how do you k-know"

"Oh Yes/No. Naive as always"

Jaquavius sat by my hospital bed and held my battered hand gently. He looked deeply into my ultramarine blue orbs.

(A/N: By the way you guys, for those of you who don't believe in love at first sight, I believe Yes/No and Jaquavius are an amazing example that it exists! Just half a week and they're already so close! So don't get your hopes too low, you'll find someone too!!! Remember to click on that star button and share this story with others!!!!!)

"I know everything about you. After I claimed you as my beta, all your memories became mine. I know how much you have been suffering."

"R-r-really? I-I didn't think anyone could understand.."

Jaquavius's honey amber orbs bore into me passionately, and I felt incredibly petite and fragile under his gaze. We were meant to be together, this was fate.

No more telling myself otherwise.

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