Chapter 2: His red eyes, my red hearts

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The bell echoed through the cafe as I cut him off and flew out of there. I couldn't stay in that cafe any longer. Not when I knew Ryan felt for me like that. How could he think that someone like him would love someone like me? He had to be saying it out of pity.

The moment I soared out of the shop I bumped into a hard chest. I felt my world stop as I fell back, closing my eyes and wincing, ready to hit the cold hard concrete. I was frozen as I fell back, but all of a sudden a strong, firm arm snaked its way around my petite waist. The grip of the arm sent me flying back towards the firm chest, and I gazed up nervously, a pair of striking burning amber orbs glared back at me. No one had ever done this before. Not that I am surprised as I am so ugly. The stranger had a sculpted face, spiky chestnut hair and the body of a Greek god. I shuddered under his gaze. What was he making me feel? I've never been this attracted to someone before. (A/N: OH MY GOSH!!! Isn't this so cute?!? I had so much fun writing this part!!

"Are you lost?" His smooth deep voice broke my train of thought and all of my focus went back to him. As I registered his words, my cheeks started to fluster a rosy pink and my heart pounded loudly in my chest.

"I-I-I-IIII-I was just g-ggg-going home." I stutter. Omg this attractive man was making me fumble my words, this is so embarrassing. He stared down at me again, his firm hand tightening around my waist. He had to have felt the involuntary tightening of my own body at his touch. The sound of his deep, melodious voice made my heart skip a beat, and I had to crane my neck away to avoid hitting his chin. He locked eye contact one last time and then he finally let go off my waist and I stumbled back. I looked down at the ground, sweating, waiting for him to say something.

"What is an alluring girl like you doing out here all alone?" he spoke, leaning in closer looking, into my eyes.

"I-III-I-I was w-walking home f-ff-rom school." I babble mindlessly, turning more red by the second. I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears, blood rushing to my face, hot in my veins. (A/N: Sooo... I tried my best to keep the interaction between the two as realistic as possible. Tell me how I did :) Please continue to show your love and support for this story!!!) The sexy man turned to speak to me again.

"You shouldn't be out here alone." he glanced around in a protective way.

"Oh I-IIII-I always walk home by myself." I said, looking down shyly.

"Hmmm that will never do. Come with me!" I was starstruck as he grabbed my hand with a firm grip and whisked me off my feet, his chestnut brown hair blowing lightly in the wind, a gleam in his striking glowing orbs as he started to hurry down the alley.

"Im Jaquavius by the way."

"O-oh i-i'm Yes/No"

"Yes/No.. that's a unique name. " He smirked looking back into my orbs as my knees went weak. Who was this mysterious man, and where was he taking me?

"Wh-where are w-we going?" I panted out of breath from running.

"Im taking you to my favorite spot. You're going to love it!" (A/N: OMG guys I am seriously loving this ship dynamic! Tell me what you think in the comments! They're so cute! AHHH! <3)

I stumbled a little. "I-I should probably be getting home," I started, but then changed my mind. "Never mind. Let's go. It's not like my parents would even care if I went missing," I said, scuffing the toe of my Air Jordan against the sidewalk.

Jaquavius shot me a smoldering look. "I would care if you went missing, Yes/No."

I stopped walking, absolutely captivated by this gorgeous man. I knew I probably looked at a tomato by this point, but Jaquavius didn't care. He thought I was gorgeous no matter what. Plus, he had a rockin' 64 pack, so I figured I could benefit out of this no matter what happened, if you know what I mean.

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