chapter 6: miracle or curse?

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(A/N: sorry for the short chapter, wattpads acting up a bit rn!! Hope u enjoy my loves <333)

I lost my sense of time. It could have been hours, days, or even years. I didn't have a clue. When I did finally wake up, I saw a bright light. The room around me was a sterile white and the fluorescent lights made my brain and orbs pulse violently. Faint speaking combined with electronic beeps made up the ambience of the room. I squinted at the harsh light and groaned at the pain on my head.

W-where am I?

I fluttered my frosty sky blue orbs open, my long golden-brown eyelashes gently brushing my eyelids as I blinked. Even though I suffered a fall down the stairs, my long, luscious golden locks perfectly framed my face. I looked over to see Jaquavius anxiously staring at me, while Fiona was hushing everyone who was there. There were three other members of the mafia. Suddenly, Jaquavius spoke up.

"Everybody leave, NOW! Yes/No and I have things to discuss."

Everyone muttered and shuffled out of the room, but for some reason Fiona stared at us with green envy in her eyes before she left slowly. I nervously bit my lip and I tried to move my hand up to tuck my golden sunny hair behind my ear, but I realized I couldn't. It was broken. In fact, both of my legs and arms were too! Along with a few ribs. Before Jaquavius could start talking to me, the doctor walked in.

"Yes/No, it's a miracle you survived! Your bones are incredibly brittle and petite, so they all shattered on impact of your fall. It will take a while for you to fully recover, so rest."

I felt so horrible. The familiar feeling of warm tears falling out of my eyes came again, so I closed them shut. No crying, at least not now while Jaquavius was watching.

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