chapter 10: Merriest Time of the Year for Traitors

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Fiona led me to the jacket and coat area, showing me a display of black and green leather jackets.

“I heard this “Rae” of yours had green eyes, and this orange would really go with that! Now I’m going to go to the other side to get something for Jaquavius sepai!” I sighed softly and looked down at the spikey rugged piece of emo clothing, size medium tall on  the hanger. Ryan was a medium tall, I missed him…. Rae, my secret santa reminded me of him. He had those deep succulent orbs and that beautiful dark hair except unlike Ryan that curly black hair was long and styled in a scene emo way and those eyes had lost their ever present shine and glimmer. If Ryan was a sparkling fountain, Rae would be a poopy mud puddle. I grabbed the black leather jacket embodied with copper embelishes. 

I sauntered over to the register to join Fiona. She had picked out a black, shiny watch and a golden chain, definitely the best color jewelry for Jaquavious
“I loved what you picked senpai! Rae will absolutely love it! And who knows maybe even you two will-” I snapped. I couldn't believe my best friend would say something like this! “Sh-shut up! You know Jaquavious master is the only one for me!!!” People at the mall shot us judging glances. Fiona barked back defensively “I know you love him but you're only his beta nothing more! I mean… for the love of god Yes/No!  You're almost 17! Its about time you find a mate and unlock your true potential!! Plus let's be real, I came first! Jaquavius has always liked me more!” Tears began to fill my ultramarine orbs. I bit my tongue to keep from crying and spun on my heels. “Y-you dont know what your talking about you stupid b-baka~!” I slammed some cash on the counter and flew out the door feeling humiliated. It was like I was back at school. The snickering, whispers that bounced through the air, the weight of a thousand eyes on me. I ran not knowing what to do or where to go just with thoughts or Ryan, Rae and Jaquavius spinning through my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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