chapter 3: The New Girl, My Old Memories

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Jaquavius stopped the black Lexus in front of an extravagant looking club. It was tall, possibly the tallest building I've ever seen. The bricks were as dark as midnight, with gold lining each of the six windows that were located on the building. Jaquavius opened his car door and stepped into the cool evening air. The sky was glowing the same color as his orbs. He looked incredibly attractive in the golden lighting. Jaquavius went outside first, taking the two smell-proof velvet sacks from the back. I still couldn't believe that Ryan was in one of those sacks, but I didn't say anything. I was already going to be punished by Jaquavius. He made a phone call and then patiently waited for about five minutes, until someone else, who I presumed was also a member of the mafia, came out. He had two trash bags to stuff the bodies into. They stuffed the sacks into the trash bags and the man who came outside went back in to dispose of them. After this, Jaquavius started to walk towards the car, where he instructed me to stay. The sun behind him outlined every muscle on his tall figure. He delicately opened my car door and took my tiny pale hand out into the elements. I blinked my orbs in the brightness of golden hour, and Jaquavius escorted me to the fancy club.

"Most people think this is a professional meeting spot to host fancy events, such as galas and high class meetings, but it's really not. It's just what we advertise it as. And though we do let people borrow it, the top three floors and the private meeting rooms are restricted just for the mafia. If anyone goes in without permission, we murder them. Follow me, kitten. Make sure to call me master while we're here."

Jaquavius led me inside, and I saw how much more extravagant the inside of the building was. Jaquavius was silent as we walked into the loud yet familiar building, a dark illuminated lobby full of VIP's, rich clientele, and some low key singers playing jazz. Jaquavius pulled me by the hand to a door at the end of the hall. The door had a rather cryptic label on it that read: 'Private Meeting.' Jaquavius quickly opened the door and stepped aside as I walked in. The room was some sort of central meeting place of the mafia. Jaquavius looked around the room and scrutinized the faces of each man or woman who met eyes with him.

I turned my head as I felt someone was approaching us with my cat powers. A girl ran to Jaquavius and wrapped her arms around him. "Jaquavius senpai~!! You're finally back!!! I missed you so much! Where were you all this time?"

(A/N: Ooh, looks like Yes/No has some competition!)

Jaquavius simply chuckled as he proceeded to hug her back. I stared at the two of them in disbelief. I couldn't bear to look at the sight anymore. I averted my eyes to look at the ground, trying to hold back tears as my heart shattered. My cat ears drooped while tears were starting to fill up my eyes once more. Were all those words about me being his just a joke to him? Was I lied to once again? I shouldn't have believed anything that he told me, afterall who could love someone like me. I should've known he was playing me. I wish I could turn back and run away, but I could do neither as I had no idea where I was and I had already fallen for his charms.

The two finally broke the hug when the girl noticed Yes/No standing behind Jaquavius. "Oh. I didn't see you there. What's your name?" the girl asked Yes/No.

Yes/No looked up to the sound of the girl's voice. She had long brown hair with blonde highlights. She had a bunny quirk, and she had violet orbs and was about 5'5''. In Yes/No's eyes she seemed perfect. Yes/No's insecurities skyrocketed. No wonder Jaquavius lied to me. Why would he keep someone like me around when he had someone like her?

"Hello?" the girl tried to ask Yes/No again.

"I see you've seen Yes/No, Fiona." Jaquavius replied pulling Yes/No out of her dazed state with his honey voice. "Yes/No this is Fiona. Fiona, this is Yes/No, my kitten." Jacquavius' possessive side appearing again. "If anyone dares to hurt my kitten, your blood will be painting these walls." he said this time addressing everyone.

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