[Rewrite] Old Stuff

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Heyyy I rewrote tge chapter I hated the most but that isn't that long😍 I did it bc like the book is turning 5 years in August to celebrate🤪🤪🤪

The next day, True, Grizelda, Bartleby and Zee went into the castle. They waited until Rainbow King would take a nap on purpose so that they wouldn't get caught. The guards didn't think anything of it since the squad were good people, right? What would they possibly do that'd piss the king off?

"True?" Bartleby asked, looking around. "The castle is big. How can whe know where the fucking dunegon is?"

"Oh, that's easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!" True replied, snipping her finger. "In the library. Where's the library, though?"

Zee pointed towards a door. "Right there. Let's go."

The library wasn't that big, which wondered everyone since the castle itself was. The weirdest thing they found here was the huge garage in the basement a few months ago. True never knew anything about a dunegon, so it weirded her out even more. It was a castle, so it wasn't that illogical, though.

Grizelda led them to a small shelf at a wall with some kind of lock installed that looked like a calculator. The princess dialed a code that True was too busy with other things in her mind to remember the numbers. It was wrong the first times, so Zee groaned and dialed another pair of numbers before Grizelda could do so. It even opened this time.

The group walked down a kind of cold, and unlike the rest of the castle, dirty and unrenovated staircase. It smelled like dust.

"I don't think we're allowed to be here," True whispered, to which Zee only replied with a sigh.

Grizelda whispered something to Zee. He nodded and waved at a few people there. People that looked terrible. As in, they were in a terrible state. At least they weren't dead.

This terrified both, True and Bartleby. True wrapped one arm around Bartleby's arm and whispered "Why does Rainbow King have people in here...?" She was too scared to ask anyone else. Since this was a castle, it was probably for like criminals that were really bad or something. But then why would Grizelda and Zee be familiar with this place? Kids shouldn't be around criminals, right?

"I forgot how gross it is in here." Grizelda said. Her tone was cold. It was terrifying to know that her and Zee were here before. Why? Did Rainbow King know? This wasn't the usual fun adventure that True usually had, it was...uncanny, to say the least.

True almost stumbled when she found a PC. Grizelda pushed her away slightly to make some space and turned it on. "Hm. Doesn't even need a password." And then she clicked around, not knowing what she was doing, like usual. Grizelda was terrible when it came to technology. 

"Need help?" Zee asked, to which Grizelda replied with a sharp "I know what I'm doing."

She opened a folder which was just given random numbers as a name. She clicked around and found a picture of Rainbow Queen. Was it intntional? True forgot why they were here, anyway. Rainbow Queen was a human, unlike the King. Was there anything special about her? To be honest, no. Only that her hair was Rainbow colored.

Bartleby giggled. "I bet she had pronouns." he laughed, but when he saw that everyone was staring at him.

Zee, who took the mouse away from Grizelda, opened another folder which was a huge database filled with important events like when the wishes were found or why the Maze Troll was arrested. (It was because he harrased the King to have a dance battle with him) Zee pointed to a certain event. "This one is t---"

"What in the colors of the LGBTQ flag are you doing here?!" The Rainbow King shouted.

Hello can I get an A for this

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