The journey

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True:"Soo...Does anyone has a map?"

Rocky:*Gives True a map*

True:"Thank you! So...We are here...and southwest is there...Good...We should be gone for around 1 Week...?"

Bartleby:"But how do we come to the temples of tomorrow?"

True:"Okay guys...You stay here except Zee, Rainbow King and Grizelda!"

Bingo Bango:"And what about...Me?"

Frookie:"And me?!"


True:"Uh...Rather not that much people...but you guys can come with us!"

Frookie Mila and Bingo Bango:"YAY!!!"

True:"Hm...How could we carry you too?"

Mila:"We could take your floating boat!"

True:"Good idea! Oh, hey we might also need little helpers...How about 2?"

Bartleby:"And Fishypoofs!"

True:"Okay...That is all...And if we won't come back in one week...RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!"

"Okay True!"

True:"Y'all can say goodbye now...Bye Mom and Dad. I will miss you!"

Bartleby:"Yeah i will too!"

Zee:"Goodbye Wishes..."

Mila:"This will maybe be a farewell, Rocky...*Kisses him on cheek*"

Rainbow King:"Goodbye my dear Citizens! We will try to come back!"

*True tells Cumulo to fly away*

True : Battle for the Rainbow KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now