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Rainbow King:"You guys are pretty mean! Everyone has his own private stuff, so you wouldn' be happy, if i tell your crush that you like him?"

True:"I don't even have a crush so...it wouldn't really mind me!"

Rainbow King:"Well, then i have a good punishment for you! Bartleby, i will cease the production of Fishy Poof Crackers! Grizelda, i will let your Grizmos be free, so they can do whatever they want! Zee, you will move back to the castle! And True, i will take away your Wishing backpack!"

Zee and Grizelda angrily looked At True and said "THANKS TRUE!"

And Bartleby said nothing, just like he was okay with that but actually was dying inside.

Suddenly ,they heard screams. Glummy Glooma went into the castle.

Glummy:"Well, i came back!"

(Lol sorry for short chapter and so much spelling mistakes, i am tired as hell because it's 10 PM for me rn hhhhhhhhhh)

((also sorry for all those cliffhangers XD))

True : Battle for the Rainbow KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now