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"Glummy. Or should i say UN-GLUMMY?!" Bartleby yelled

"What the frick do you mean" "Glummy" asked monotonously

"You ain't him" Frookie took a gun "Now we're gonna bring the real Glummy Glooma back! Grizelda cheered

"Frookie, now!" 


Glummy collapsed. They saw an weird creature coming out of his Triangle-Shaped-Hat.

"The Wishing God was right! What have you done to Glummy?!" Rainbow King had an very angry look on his face and was holding his scepter in his hand like he's going to shoot with it like there's no tomorrow.

"I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You. All." That creature said

Mila was taking a bucket of water and wanted to pour it on the ghost, because Ghosts ""Die"" if they touch water.

"No...I wouldn't do that if i'd be you..." that Ghost said.

He punched Mila in the face. "My Nose...Works again..."

"weren't you just having a cold?" True asked

"No my mom...She abused me when i was little..."

"Oh my- well, at first we're gonna kill that ghost!" True took an sheet of paper that the Wishing God gave her. There was something written on it. True said the spell that was on it. She was repeating it like 7 times. Suddendly her eyes glowed and True was floating.

"True?!" Grzelda bond her Hair to a ponytail and jumped to True to try to bring her down. But that didn't help. Then out of sudden an soul came out of the ground. It went into Glummy-Gloomas dead body.  Then True got normal again and went back to the ground.

"Wha...Where am i? Rainbow King?"

"GLUMMY!" Rainbow King got tears in his eyes and hugged Glummy.

"I thought i died...When i went back to the swamp after living with you and your dad...I felt in a hole...and i thought i died..."

"You did" 

"So i'm in heaven? Looks like i am..."

"No. A girl called True saved you. You're alive again!'re adopted. We aren't biological cousins..."

"I know. I found that out in a weird dream i had, after i "Died""

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" Everyone forgot that ghost. The ghost said another weird spelling. Then a ray came out of his hands and hit True.

True fainted, and the ghost dissapeared.

"TRUE!" Bartleby ran to her. "TRUE STAY WITH US!"

"Bartleby...I feel weird..." True was coughing blood out of her mouth.

"True!" Mila, Grizelda, Frookie, Zee, Glummy and Rainbow King ran to True aswell.

"...She's dying...No no no!" Bartleby started to cry

"Actually we can save her just like we did with Glummy! ...Right?" Zee was looking hopefully at the King. Then the Wishing God came from above.

"No...Glummy's soul was captured by the Creature, and True didn't..." he said

"ISN'T THERE SOMETHING YOU CAN DO?!" Grizelda asked. She was refusing to cry, but she couldn't hold it, and started to cry too.

The Wishing God shook his head. "That's the cycle of life..."

"SHE'S GODDAMN 9!" Bartleby yelled

"I'm the God of Wishes, not your God...I'm really sorry...May she rest in peace..." The God nodded, then he dissapeared

"Grizelda...I have somehing to tell you..." True was looking at her.

"Grizelda...In 10 years you're going to have a child...i can see it...and...i want it to take after me on it's 8th birthday...give it to the child..." True was handing the Wishing Backpack to Grizelda. Grizelda took it, and hugged True "Okay. I'll give it to it." Grizelda cried more and hugged Zee. Zee teared up too.

"see you sometime..." 

"...She's...dead..." Frookie confirmed. Then everyone cried. It also started to rain. 

-Some months later at the Funeral-

Everyone was still sad about what happened. They rebuilded Rainbow City with the help of other Wishpack-Holders from other Kingdoms and Their wishes. Rainbow City was even more beautiful now.

Grizelda took a microphone and said "True...You were my Idol...You were a good friend. And you were so nice...I miss you." 

Then she gave Zee the microphone. "True. I didn't like you. But you were my sister. also you were our saviour. May you rest in peace..."

Zee gave it to Rainbow King "You don't know how thankful is everyone to you. You were like a daughter to me."

and finally, Bartleby took the microphone. "True...I knew you since we were Babies...I was and i hope i still am your best friend. But for me you are even more than a friend...I...I loved you..."

Everyone was kind of shocked with that, but they were fine with it. True was dead anyway

Lylian, Juniper Stars, Mika, Mina and Momotaro (OCs of me and others) build an statue for True that was located in Mushroom Town. DillyDally and Cumulo decided to leave rainbow city and go travelling. Of course they sometimes came for a visit. Glummy and Rainbow King became even closer to each other. Zee and Grizelda decided to date. And Bartleby started to have depression. But the people around him supported him.

"I really hope we'll meet again..."

-18 years later-

"Nova? Do you know what day it is today?" Nova's Mom asked

"Yes! My 8th birthday! What'll be my present?"

"...You're gonna be the new warrior of the Kingdom. Your deceased Aunt True asked me to give this to you." 

"What is this?" Nova asked

"This is a wishpack. You can carry wishes in it." Bartleby explained


"They...were kept a secret after True died. We never told you how...But it's time that you find it out. Well..." Then Novas Dad told her the story

-Time skip-

"Woah...Cool! I'm gonna use WISHES!" Nova beamed

"Yeah, but take care! If you need Wishes, come to me!" Novas Dad, Zee, explained

"And take care of your Mom, you know she can be bratty sometimes"


(SORRY THAT I LET TRUE DIE but i adapted the Manga in the show. YES there is a Manga about TATRK but i forgot the name. True and Zee are siblings there but aslong it didn't got confirmed they're siblings in the show you can ship it. True died in the end in the Manga too, Zee and Grizelda had a kid called Nova who took after True, when True said in the chapter that Grizelda will have a kid , it was different in the Manga, In the Manga everyone aged and in the end they were a bit older (Grizelda was 19) so True said that Grizelda is pregnant. Because in a chapter Zee and Grizelda had a sleepover and...yeah. If i find the Manga online i send a link somewhere. I know the Manga from a relative that was in Japan. Thanks for reading! After over 1 year i finally finished this xD now i can finally write something else that isn't a oneshot! xD but i'll probably write it on my username there is Emmi-Beau.

Thanks for reading again! Lya!

True : Battle for the Rainbow KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now