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True:"Cumulo, if you're tired, just find a nice place to rest, okay? Don't try to work that much, you are already doing your best!"

Cumulo:*makes a cute noise that means okay*

True:"Good cloud!"

Mila:"Can you fly faster, please"


Mila:"Uh...sorry...forgot the last time i flied here..." *Has flashback*

True:"I hope Glummy is not over here..."

Rainbow King:"Don't worry! He won't be! I hope..."

True:"Do you miss his old self...?"

Rainbow King:*blushes* "Uh...kinda...?"

True:"Rainbow King? I never saw you blushing! Is something wrong?"

Rainbow King:"No, everything is fine!"

True:"Good to hear!"

True sees a wonderful place with a lake and sakura trees.

True:"Cumulo, does it mind if we rest there?"

Cumulo:*Makes a noise that sounds like no*

True:"Great! Let's have a picnic, guys!"

(ok this chapter is damn short, i may do another one soon lol)

True : Battle for the Rainbow KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now