Glummy Gloomas Backstory

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The next day, the 2 friends went to Rainbow King.

True: "Your majesty? Are you home?"

Rainbow King:"Hello True and Bartleby! Do you need something?"

Bartleby:"Uh, we would love to know, if you know, why Glummy IS Glummy?"

Rainbow King was pretty suprised about what Bartleby just asked him.

Rainbow King:"*sigh*...Okay...I will tell you...Come with me."

"Well, it all started, when Glummy was born. He was different than his family. They all were sad, angry, or even emotionless. But Glummy was happy. So our uncle, uncle Grumpy sent him to me, my dad and my 2 siblings. But my dad had much stuff to do, so i had to take care of Glummy Glooma. My dad was always angry, when Glummy was happy, and played with other children. So he punished him. And then, 1905, my dad was so frustrated about Glummy, that he...beated him dad wasn't such an person actually. Suddenly, Glummy became sad. For ever. So i had to send him back. His family was very thankful to me. Then i never really heard anything about him. Only that he got that scepter to his 1 millionth birthday, that was some years ago."

True:"Oh man...Let us just hope that nothing will happen. Bye!"

Rainbow King:"Goodbye"

*Later that day*

True:"I really wanna know some stuff, about Rainbow Kings Family and so on"

Bartleby:"Huh? Why didn't you asked Rainbow King about it?"

True:"He always seems pretty sad when he talks about his family..."

Bartleby:"Oh, never noticed that..."

True:"*giggles* Oh b, you never really notice anything!"

Bartleby:"Yeah, just if i smell FishyPoof crackers!"

*both laughing*

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