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(After a million years i decided to continue this and i have a new writing style)

(OH AND BC IM SOOOOO BORED, i decided to continue this XD lol)

-An alarm clock is ringing-

Under the blanket, suddenly, a light blue furry arm came out. It looked after the alarm clock and turned it off. The blanket opened, and a light blue cat with ocean blue hair and eyes stood up. The cats name was Silverclaw. He yawned very loudly and then he said under his breath:"Good morning, it's another new day". He smelled food coming out of the kitchen. In the kitchen, he saw his sister, Shadow, a purple cat with blue eyes sitting on a table and reading newspaper. "Mornin' bro. Thought you'll never wake up. Did you already read this?" She showed the newspaper to her brother. He looked very tired, but when he read the article, he raised an eyebrow. "Oh man, they are pretty brave" He said. In the newspaper was an article called "True and friends try to save the world" "Hope they'll be okay" Shadow said. "Hurry, we have to go to work soon" Then they ate breakfast. "I heard the weird cat got the black tabby belt a while ago" Silverclaw mumbled. "You mean...that ginger cat that came out of nowhere and just speaks japanese?" "Yup". Then they got to work.

-Time skip-

"Again~, again~, again~, again~" Shadow sang. "You're annoying, you know? I try my best but you keep on singing that dumb song! That DOESN'T makes me train harder" an snow white cat with brown eyes yelled. And her name was Snow white. "Hey, someone found our Kittynati hotel! And guess who they are?" Silverclaw interrupted "Grandma?" Shadow asked and raised an eyebrow. "Nope, True and her friends!" "WAIT WHAT- We practice later, Snowy!" They ran to the hotel (it was just some metres away from the training place) where 8 people were waiting. "Shadow?! Silverclaw?!" True yelled. "Yes that's the kittynati hotel. IF YOU TELL ANYONE WHO IS NOT A CAT THAT WE LIVE HERE, YOU'LL REGRET IT. Oh sorry, but just don't, okay?" Shadow threatened "Um...sure right, guys?" True asked. "Of course not!" Everyone yelled. "Um, look it's late, can we stay here?" True asked "Sure why not? You can even train here! You need it to fight against Glummy!" Silverclaw answered. "Are the Temples of tomorrow near here?" Mila asked "Yes, but only important people can go there" Shadow answered. Then Shadow and Silverclaw showed everyone their rooms.

-The next day-

"This is PomPom, she just got the black tabby belt. She will train you for a while" Shadow introduced. "Oh by the way, her english is really bad she just speaks japanese

"Hi, i'm Bartleby Catnoton-Finnegan. Well, i guess that you teach us some more Kittynati from now on? Please be nice, sometimes i'm pretty weird!!!"

"She seems nice" Bartleby thought

Oh, He didn't know how wrong he was

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