Where We Left Off

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"KILL ME! Please . . . please, you HAVE to"

"You . .. " Anthony had his hands in his hair, shaking his head furiously, "You CAN'T tell me to do that! NOT NOW! YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

Anti's eye twitched and his whole demeanor changed.

He started to smirk with a deadly promise.

Anthony could FEEL the change.

Anti snickered, "You were too late"

Over a year ago after Jameson and Emily's wedding

Going back home that night to Gab, Anthony was too tired to even fool around.

He'd been tired a lot lately.

Like he was being drained or something and he didn't know why.

Maybe it was just all the new emotions weighing him down.

Maybe it was all the new things he was trying to learn.

Whatever it was, it seemed fate finally took pity on him and he passed out in bed, his back to Gab who laid next to him.

As he laid there finally in a deep sleep, something strange started to happen.

Some strange bright green liquid started to seep out of the eye Marvin had given him.

It trailed down his cheek and onto the pillow.

It started to move and ungulate. It was getting bigger and morphing.

Until it finally formed into a new eye. It was bright green and sickly looking like it just crawled out of a nuclear waste dump.

Anthony was already looking a lot better.

It seemed that perhaps this . . . creature. . . had been draining him until it was ready to form on its own.

And it had an agenda.

In a flicker of sparks, the nasty green eye disappeared, teleporting elsewhere.

It was time to continue the mission.

One year later

Anti stretched out in bed, pressing his face in the cool sheets. He could feel sleep calling for him again but he knew it was time to get up.

Even though he REALLY would rather stay in bed.

A hand curled around Anti's waist, hugging him.

Anti groaned, "Please don't tempt me . . . I need to get up"

"Already?" the deep voice rumbled against the back of his neck, making him shiver.

Anti grinned, "Anthony promised me that he cleared his schedule today to hang out. You know I don't get to see him or the others a lot anymore"

The being behind him scoffed, "YOU never visit THEM . . . . it's been what . . . three weeks since you last saw them all?. . . . And why don't you ever want me to come with you? Or have them visit HERE?"

Anti turned around in the bed and faced Dark.

"Because. . . . you know why. . . . . they don't. . ." Anti struggled to find the words, "I don't know what they'd say yet."

"So you still haven't told them about us?" Dark sighed and rolled his eyes, "You were supposed to do that last week. You know they're fine with me now. Why not tell them?"

Five, Six . . It Can't Be FixedWhere stories live. Discover now