Death is in The Air

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Evan teleported to his and Marvin's home. He had to go to their room to get the books he needed to search for an answer.

But he found .. . 

That with every step he took in his own house, the deeper his pain felt.

He'd never see Marvin dancing while making his coffee again. . . 

He'd never see him practicing his spells and tricks .  . .

He'd never watch him spend hours trying to decide on an outfit to wear again. . .

And he'd never get to marry the man he fell in love with the very moment he saw him.

It was his first Marvin that he ran into at the bookstore but THIS Marvin told him the story of how they met. It was the same. Like they were just MEANT to be together in all realms of the multiverse just like Chase and Stacey and Jameson and Emily and Henrik and Eva. 

Evan and Marvin were MEANT to be TOGETHER. 

They were soulmates.

But now. . . .

Evan took in a deep sigh, opening the door in their bedroom.

Tears fell down his face.

It finally settled in.

He'd never see him again.

Never hear his voice.


This was the SECOND Marvin he's had to lose.

He's had to lose the love of his life twice. 

Once to Anthony . . . 

and now again to Anti.

Evan shakily fell into Marvin's old bean bag chair and covered his face, trying to wipe away the tears that wouldn't stop coming.

He knew he had to hurry.

But at the moment, he just couldn't focus, surrounded by all the things that reminded him of the love he lost twice.

Google stared at Anti.

Or glared. He wasn't completely a robot. He had feelings. He felt love, anger and confusion and right now, he was feeling all of it.

Him and Anti had become good friends in the last year since he started coming around Dark's place. Although Anti was very cautious around him, afraid of accidentally breaking him with his glitching or nervous sparks, Google liked how he treated him just the same as he would any of the other egos or alters. 

Dark always treated him kindly, too, as well as a few others but a lot of the egos tended to forget he was part human as well as robot and would wave him off as a machine, not realizing he had feelings and could feel pain.

That was how Mark had created him.

He always cherished his and Anti's friendship and how kind and gentle he was.

But now . . . . after seeing him slaughter so many people controlled by that demon . . . . he couldn't help that his view on Anti was a little tainted now.

He wasn't the only one thinking this.

There were many other Iplier egos that would just see Anti now as a man with blood on his hands that murdered his family. Even though several of the Iplier egos have killed, too . . . they never killed their OWN.

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