Moving Forward

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"WHERE. . . IS . . .MY BABY!?"

Anthony was face to face with Dark who looked mildly intimidated by the new father but held himself strong.

"I told you I didn't know, Anthony. Why weren't you keeping a closer eye on her?"

"I WAS! I looked away for ONE moment and she was just GONE! I think one of your fucked up Ipliers took her! Like Stan or .. . or Yandere"

Dark rolled his eyes, "None of the Ipliers took your baby, Anthony."

"Why don't we just calm down for a moment?" Anti tried to reassure them, "I'm sure maybe she just crawled off out of your sight. If all of us look together, we can find her"

Anthony growled, "Gab is with Wilford, Marvin and Evan today helping set up the grand opening of Marvin's new bookshop. When she comes home, she's going to kill me and then I'll kill everyone here if that baby is not found"

"Understood" Anti nodded, "Come on. Where's the last place you saw her?"

"We were in the Septic Living room on the right wing"

Dark teleported them all there.

Anti looked around, "I don't see her . . .."

"No, REALLY!!?" Anthony yelled at him, "I already looked EVERYWHERE here! Where's my little girl!?"

"Have you tried calling her name?" Dark asked.

Both Anti and Anthony glared at him.

Anti raised a brow at Dark, "She's not a dog, Dark. She's not just going to come because her name is called. I don't think she even knows her own name yet"

"Maybe Chase has her!" Anthony piped up, "His room is the closest from here"

They all wandered around looking for clues where the baby could have crawled off to. Dark set off to let everyone know that Antonia was missing in the house.

And to not judge Anthony's parenting skills. . . . . 

Anthony banged on Chase and his family's door.

After a moment, Chase answered, "Hey, what's up?"

"Did you find Toni and take her?" Anthony asked him.

Chase's eyes widened, "Dude. . . you LOST the baby!?"




"Dude, I told you to use that playpen we had for Bella."

"I DID use it! She was in there and then I turned my back for a SECOND and then the next she was GONE!"

Chase blinked, "Uh . . .. . are you sure?"


Anti stared at Anthony, "You never said that . . . . Anthony . ..  a baby can't just get out of one of those. That's the purpose of them, to keep the baby inside."

"Well I don't know how she did it but she did and now she's GONE!"

"Easy there" Chase calmed him, "Let's go ask Jackie if he's seen her. He's right next door"

"How will that help?"

Anti hummed, trying to think of the best way to tell him, "Um  . . . well . . .have you ever thought of the possibility that maybe. . . since you and Gab can teleport . . . that maybe. . . . Toni can too?"

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