A Little Hope?

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Mark had just gotten off the phone with Sean and he looked oddly at Amy, "I don't know. I think I should go check on him. Should I? Or should I call Evelien?"

Amy shook her head, "I heard Evelien in the background."

"Should I call the police in Brighton, then for a wellness check?"

Amy thought about it and shook her head. Something about this seemed off, "He sounded serious. He's your friend, Mark"

"I know, I know. It's just. . . weird. He sounded like he was losing his damn mind. The egos are real? My egos were there? God, I hope he's not suffering from Carbon monoxide poisoning else I'll be the sole owner of a clothing brand and I can't handle that kind of pressure" he gave a little laugh to offset how worked up he really was.

"Well just in case, I booked us a couple of red-eye tickets." Amy put her phone away, "You haven't seen him in a while anyway. Let's go. It'll be fun"

Mark smacked his lips together, deep in thought and sighed, "I guess. . . . if he's not dead by the time we get there because of CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING!. . . .Maybe it's just an elaborate video of his he's talking about, too. Yeah, let's go. I'll grab the suitcases"

Amy was already on the phone talking with Ethan about dog sitting Chica and Henry.

Wilford was popping Sam in the face knock after knock. There was blood running down his face but he didn't care just as he didn't care when Chase had shot him repeatedly.

It didn't matter. He couldn't feel it.

He was so focused on Wilford, though, he didn't notice Jackie coming behind him.

The hero smacked the knife out of his hand and gripped him in a full nelson, letting Wilford go as hard as he could.

They had to try and knock him out. Maybe if Gab got to Evan quick enough, he'd be able to come sooner and restrain him again.

Suddenly, though, Anti got control back again.

Wilford stopped hitting him, "Is he gone?"

Anti snarled at him, "WHY'D YOU STOP!? KEEP GOING! KILL ME!"

Jackie held him, "Anti, I'm sorry. We're not gonna do that. Evan will come and-"


Jackie hugged him but hard enough so Sam couldn't catch him off guard, "Anti . . I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's not your fault. None of it was your fault." he cried in his hair, "We'll figure this out. I know we will. We always do.. We ALWAYS do"

Anti sobbed, his breathing hitching, "Jackie. . . . . I'm sorry. . . . . . I should have visited more. . . I should have guh . . .grrrhh I sh-should have. . .." he struggled against Sam who was trying to take back control again, "Huuuuhhhh . . . .. I should have stopped being . . . so paranoid . .. spent more time . .. with . . you all. . . I'm sorry. . . I'm so-sorry"

Jackie held onto him tighter, holding onto him even more secure, getting ready to fight again, "It's okay. We all still love you Anti.. . . Wilford. . . . don't hold back"

Anti's eye went green again but had a burst of strength, flipping Jackie over in front of him and kicking him in the head.

He then made a blast of lightning strike down on Wilford.

When the smoke cleared, Wilford was laying on the ground unconscious.


Dark had been busy both giving himself and Anthony a healing potion and fighting with Mark about giving him his powers back.

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