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San Sebastian
Cayman Islands
Tuesday, July 15,202*

San Sebastian Cayman Islands Tuesday, July 15,202*6:02pm

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Kelesi Martin 20

*3 years later*

"Babe I know I messed up jus come over so we can talk."

I listen to my boyfriend Sean repeats it same statement for the 3rd time.

"Tf why would I come to your house? How delusional are u?" I shouted into the phone.


Before he could finish I hung up on him.

I found out he has been cheating on me for most of the 13 months we've been together.


did tell Yuh seh nuh bwoii weh have a girl best friend and a look Yuh, look eh other way but no.

Dat mi shoulda do fr.

But I didn't suh a jus life.

Today was my last day of teaching school and I'm exhausted.

Tomorrow I'm going back to Jamaica since I will be spending the summer holidays there and I'm deciding between teaching there or in the Cayman.

If it treats me well this summer I'll stay but otherwise I'm coming back home.

For the past two years not much has happened. I mean my uncle Steven has two kids....

And one of them is surprisingly one year older than me, his name is BJ.

he's cool and has been staying here with us since last year December but we're both going back tomorrow.

The bond that we've created you'll think we've known eachother since birth.

"Sunshine mah guh outta burger king yah cook?" BJ shouts from behind my bedroom door.

"Ye mah come." I jumped up from my bed in excitement.

The house did aguh bore mi tuh death..

I was already dressed before so I slid my foot into my Gucci slides and rushed downstairs where I met up with BJ.

"My car?" I asked and he shock his head while frowning.

"Yah guh stop Tek blingaz light yere." I playfully rolled my eyes and he laughed.

Yes mi name mi jeep blingaz is what?

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