036. Heavy Weight.

635 78 2

Sudbury underground
Portland Branch
Saturday July 27, 202*

Sudbury underground Portland Branch Saturday July 27, 202*9:15am

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Omario Mc'koy 20

*Few minutes before Mudz was shot.*

Creeping up the steep staircase with BJ trailing behind me.

Cyan wait fi ketch dah pussyhole deh.

"Tek eh leff." I ordered BJ and he moved immediately once we were successfully on the second floor.

The second floor looked more like an office but it had a few sleeping bags laid out all over the floor.

Mi have about 3 shots left, one on the head and two still in the clip.

As I moved to the right side, I took cover then locked my eyes on BJ that was already taking cover.

"Double up." I mouthed at him and he smiled before nodding.

Soon we both took out our other Glock that was secured in our waist.

"Ready." I mouthed at him once again as we both moved up to scan through the floor.

The first three rooms were empty and the more rooms we searched and didn't find kelesi the more grimy I become.

Only two rooms left and we became even more alert to the sound of mumbles and the loading of what I could make out, a matic.

Neva know dem woulda put on dem big bwoii pants and come outta hiding.

Walking up to the room we saw that it was closed.

Suppose mi fi jus walk inn??

Following my intrusive thoughts I find myself turning the door knob.

"Yah fool bredda?" BJ whispers from behind me before aiming both his guns in front me.

Not paying him any attention I continued to turn the knob before trying to push the door open but it was blocked.

As a certified mad man weh kill people fi a living mi know issa fat bwoii deh backa dis.

I kissed my teeth before using my gun that only had 3 bullets left to empty the clip at the door before quickly grabbing another clip from my back pocket and reloading as BJ kicks the door open.

Hearing a heavy fall I knew that was the body of whosoever was standing behind the door.

Coulda wan innocent likkle more anybodii mi buck affi guh dead.

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